1) What kind of food do you like?
1.思路:很多考生在回答此类列举种类的问题时会走入一个误区,他们会用一个简单句列出一大堆名词,以为个数越多分数越高,然后就会这么说:I like chocolate, ice cream, cookies and candies. 这样的回答是很没有营养的,展现话题词汇是必要的,我们也不能忽略了语言的质量示范一个:Well, I must say I have a big sweet tooth. I constantly crave for sweet food, and chocolate is definitely my all-time favorite. Just the thought of it puts a big smile on my face.
2.加分词汇:爱吃甜食的女生们一定要学起来这句话:I have a sweet tooth字面意思是“我有一颗甜牙齿”真正的含义是“我超爱吃甜食” crave for something意思是“很渴望某物”,可以用来表达对于某物的强烈喜爱 my all-time favorite意思是“我的最爱”,另外例句里还用了一句话来表示你很钟情于某一个人或事物,比如我很爱我的女儿,so just the thought of my daughter puts a big smile on my face.
2) Did you like that when you were a child?
1.思路:在听到did的一瞬间各位就要警觉接下来考官想要考查的重点是时态,所以要长个心眼,回答的时候要注意动词的过去式变形示范:Yes, I did. Ive been crazy about sweet food ever since I was a little girl. Unfortunately I wasnt allowed to eat too much since I was too young. My mom would say this sort of things would do harm to my teeth.
2.加分词汇: 表示喜爱,五颗星推荐短语搭配:be really into.../ be fond of.../ be crazy about.../ be a big fan of...; do harm to.../ be harmful to... 对...有害
3) Who cooks in your family?
1.思路:大多数的家庭都是妈妈做饭,所以很多人就不假思索地回答, In my home, my mom always cooks. She can cook really well. 我知道这是实话实说,无可厚非,但各位我们是要拿口语高分的,不是进到考场应付一下考官就算了,我们应该稍微用点儿心让自己的答案stands out, 比如你可以这么告诉考官, Well, its my dad who does most of the cooking in my home, because he used to be a chef in a fancy restaurant. Hes able to cook all sorts of things, Cantonese food, Sichuan food, French food, you name it. Hes the best!
2. 加分词汇和句型:例子中使用了各位都学过但都不用的强调句型it is ...that...来突出了是我爸爸做饭,引起考官注意chef是大厨的意思,注意ch的发音;fancy是“高大上”的意思,可以说a fancy car, a fancy dress, a fancy hotel等等,表示价格不便宜档次很高在列举了几个例子以后,我们可以用you name it,表示种类多了去了,这儿就是随便列那么几个
4) Is it necessary for people to learn how to cook?
听到问题后绝大多数考生的想法就是当然重要啦,所以考官就常听到这样的回答:Yes, its very important to learn how to cook, because its a very important skill. If you can cook, you will never get hungry. 当然如果有最后一个条件状语从句的话,这个回答也是很不错了,很多人是没有这后一句的为什么非得说要学呢,其实很多人都不会做饭,也没想要学,因为有餐厅啊,但很多考生表示不敢这么说,怕考官怎么想各位,是你们想太多,考官只在乎你语言的质量,他不会去judge你的品行,不凡就直说了:Well, I dont think its necessary to learn cooking, since there are various kinds of restaurants in the city. But of course, if you are interested in it, you can learn a little bit. I do think its a useful life skill.
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