In the future, do you think you will be reading more books or less?
Hmm, time will tell. It's a little hard to say I will or won't do that at this point of time. I suppose I'll have to wait and see....
额,我现在还很难说我是否会一直做..., 只有时间才能给出答案。还得走一步看一步。
Who knows what I have in store! I suppose I'll have to wait and see....谁知道我未来会怎样呀,我想我得走一步算一步...
词汇解析:ime will tell 时间才能给出答案
如:Only time will tell what the end result will be. 只有时间会告诉您最终将得到什么结果
Time will tell if Facebook is worth all the hype and its fresh massive valuation.
in store 准备着,在将来
如:Most importantly, if you love someone, tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store. 最重要的是,如果你爱上了某人,要大胆地告诉他(她),因为你永远不会知道明天回发生什么。
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