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雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:最近在看的书

雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:最近在看的书

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  本文整理了雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:最近在看的书供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!

  Describe a book you have read recently.

  You should say:

  who recommended it

  what book it was

  what the book was about

  and explain what you learned from it.


  Let me tell you about a book I read recently. Its name is 1587, a Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline, which was written by a Chinese historian Ray Huang, first published in 1981. Though the book seems like a thesis, it's very engaging and provoking because in this book it examines how a number of seemingly insignificant events in 1587 might have caused the downfall of the Ming Dynasty.


  I bought the book in a bookshop in Nanjing when I was traveling there last month. The bookshop keeper told me that this book was always the best seller among the history category. And finally it turned out that it was really a page turner.


  The book was about in-depth analysis of the traditional Chinese court politics during the Ming Dynasty by introducing the Emperor Wanli and other six prominent officials from the Ming ruling class. In each chapter it centres in an informative way on one man and moves through how they interact with the court and especially the emperor. In the end, it comes to the conclusion that the Ming emperor was not the ultimate power, but the massive Chinese bureaucracy which manipulated the entire Chinese political process and led the country to decline.



  1.由XX写的:which was written by

  2.首次出版在XX年:first published in

  3.非常引人入胜和发人深省的:it's very engaging and provoking

  4.不重要的事件:insignificant events

  5.明朝:Ming Dynasty

  6.上周在那里旅游的时候:when I was traveling there last month

  7.畅销书:best seller

  8.最终证明还是引人入胜的书: it turned out that it was really a page turner

  9.深度分析:in-depth analysis

  10.统治阶层:ruling class

  11.在最后:in the end

  12.结论是:it comes to the conclusion that

  13.庞大的中国官僚体系:massive Chinese bureaucracy



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