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  Describe a new skill you'd like to learn.

  You should say:

  what it is

  who you want to learn it from

  how you are going to learn it

  and explain why you want to learn it.

  I think it would be really cool to learn kung fu!

  Kung fu, known as gong fu in Chinese, is a form of Chinese martial arts. There are many different styles and I think it'd be great to know any of them.

  I've grown up watching kung fu films, I've also visited the Shaolin temple in Henan and it's always a thrill to see what they can do. I'd love to be able to study kung fu so that I could perform awesome flips and other moves and impress my friends. They'd be blown away if I could run up a wall or break bricks with my hand. It would also be great for my fitness and I'd probably end up with a six-pack! If I got really good I could be famous and there might be a statue of me, like the one of Bruce Lee in Hong Kong.

  Ideally I'd like to learn from an old master, like you see in the movies and on TV. I can picture him having a long white beard which he plays with when he's thinking; he'd say wise things and quote old proverbs. Even though he's old and looks quite fragile, he can do amazing moves and is still very quick.

  In all honesty, if we're being realistic, I'd say it'd probably a bit of a pie-in-the-sky idea. I wouldn't know where to start and I'm not exactly the most active person. I think I lack the dedication required, as I'd much rather be watching kung fu movies than exerting myself!



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