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雅思口语资料:Friends & family

雅思口语资料:Friends & family

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  本文整理了雅思口语资料:Friends & family供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!

  1. What qualities make good friends?

  To be honest, I think a best mate should be something like this: reliable, humorous, and trustworthy. What makes the most important qualities is, he will always have my back no matter what happens and get me through ups and downs in my life. You know what they say: A true friend is someone who never gets tired of listening to your own pointless dramas over and over again.

  2. Is your family very important to you?

  Definitely yes. I'm a family person, so I think my family members mean everything to me in this world and I will change them for nothing. I believe family is a safe haven where I can feel safe, secure, and feel connected to the person who truly cares me and supports me for unconditionally.

  3. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or your friends?

  It's really a tough question, but I guess it really depends. For example, teenagers might prefer to hang out with their friends all day long since they've going through a rebellious stage of their lives. But the older they get, the more they may come to realize the importance of family and grab every chance they can to stick together with their beloved ones.



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