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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  Narcissism 自恋

  Selfie 自拍

  Trend 潮流

  Camera-shy 不喜欢拍照的

  Photogenic 上相的

  Capture the beautiful / perfect moment 捕捉美丽/ 完美一刻

  Keep the memory 保留回忆

  Take on some spot pictures 现场留拍

  Self-timer 定时自拍

  Portable hard drive 移动硬盘

  Back-ups 备份

  Invasion of privacy 隐私侵犯

  1)Do you like to take photographs? Why?

  Yes, I do. I think photography is a really awesome thing, especially among young people now, many people of my age spend lots of money and effort getting into photography, and it becomes a trend.

  2)What kind of photos do you like to take?

  A. I have narcissism, so I like take selfies. Because I know which angle I look best in front of the camera. If I have other people take photos for me, they usually choose the front angle but it makes my face look as big as a pie.

  B. I prefer to take pictures of portrait, coz the moments involving people are usually quite hard to capture. So, every time a nice photo of persons can give me a sense of satisfaction and achievement.

  C. I love document scenery. I am lucky enough to live in Suzhou and could never get bored looking at my own hometown.

  3)How do you keep your photos?

  I don't keep on pictures on a portable hard drive, I've heard of stories about the invasion of privacy on the PC, so I try to keep all my precious pictures on a separate disk.



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