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  1) Is it important to focus on things?

  Of course it is! Staying focused is a discipline, and a good one to start working on, as it is an important life skill. Lack of focus is the most common killer of making things happen, especially considering the fact that nowadays our life are full of setbacks and distractions such as procrastination, electrical gadgets and endless push notifications of social network Apps.

  2) Can people focus on two different things at the same time?

  To be frank, I totally doubt that. I mean, I heard the news that some gifted people can manage to concentrate on two disparate things at the same time. For example, one can draw a circle with his left hand and a triangle with the right. For me, it's completely an impossible mission and I couldn't imagine how they can accomplish that! I guess for most people, one can only stay focus on one thing at a time.

  3) How to concentrate the mind on the particular object?

  There are several methods I would turn to when I need to focus on a particular goal. First, I will turn off cell phone or any other electronic devices because they are always huge distractions to what I am trying to focus on. Second, I will find a tranquil environment in which I can stay to accomplish my objective. The school library is usually a good choice. Finally, I will set myself time limits with relevant rewards, say, if I can stay concentrated on my particular goal and manage to attain that goal within the deadline, I may treat myself with a big meal!



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