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  1. What's your favorite color?

  My favorite color is white. Because I think white is the kind of color which is brief but not simple, you know, in optics, white is the combination/mix of several different colors, like blue, yellow and so on. So actually in my daily life, I usually tend to choose the clothes, or E-devices in white.

  2. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?

  Yes, actually several, like red, yellow, and so on. Take red for example, first of all, in China, red is an auspicious color, like in many holidays or celebration days, such as in Spring Festival, people will paste the red scrolls to symbolize the start of the New Year, like in wedding days, Chinese couple will dress in red formal attires. What's more, red is also regarded as a token of historic color, and you can tell it from the National flag.

  3. Do you think color is important in your daily life?

  Yes, definitely. Because different colors give people different moods and have different meanings, like red will make people get strong feelings like excitement and even anger, and blue will make people calming down. In addition, color have wide application in our daily life, like the traffic light, when it turns into red, people are forbidden to go across the street, but when it turns into yellow, people need to wait.



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