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  War history 战争历史

  Qin Dynasty 秦朝

  past events 过去的事件

  Historical documentary 历史纪录片

  Four great ancient civilizations 四大文明古国

  Chinese ancient myth 中国古代神话

  Chinese ancient history 中国古代史

  Five thousand years of history 五千年历史

  1. Do you like history?

  Yes. I love history very much. According to my first history teacher, there are many branches in history including war history, political history, economic, social, international and ancient. My favorite is the Chinese ancient history.

  2. Do you think history is important?

  Yes, of course. From history we can use knowledge of past events to study things that aren't currently happening. for example, we sometimes need to learn about war while we are still in peacetime. Also history helps us know how our culture is developed so that we get a better understanding of our present.

  3. Does china have a long history?

  Yes, definitely. China is one of the four great ancient civilizations. It has five thousand years of history during the Chinese ancient myth. Calculated from Qin Dynasty, the first united empire, it still has two thousand and two hundred years of history.

  4. Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs?

  By some means yes. But I can't agree with it completely. There're many documentaries and forums dedicated to tell us about real history, meanwhile some films and TV series that tell stories in the past actually don't have anything to do with history. Some audience might get confused or even misled by them.

  5. Do you think the internet is a good way to learn about history?

  Yes, I think so. We can get lots of information from the internet, including old photos and films, articles and books written by famous people and so on. All these are good ways to learn about history. And we can get them free instantly. With that we no longer need to buy tons of books or go to the library.



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