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  Endangered species 濒临物种

  Red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤

  Snub-nosed golden monkey 金丝猴

  Broaden horizon 开阔视野

  Creaturely world 动物世界

  National symbol and treasure of China 国宝

  Fluffy 毛茸茸的

  Black eye patches 黑眼罩

  Appealing 吸引人的

  Comical 滑稽的

  Bamboo shoot 竹笋

  Dull 呆滞的

  Good companions 好伙伴

  Dog-person/cat-person 汪星人/ 喵星人

  Faithful 忠诚的

  Sense your minds 感知你的思想

  Vent spleen on sb. 对某人发脾气

  Nasty bite 狠咬一口

  1. Do you like animals?

  Yes. I like animals especially dogs because they can accompany me when I am sad or lonely. Also, I like dogs because of a documentary in which there is a faithful dog who kept waiting his master after he died. I was deeply moved by it. I raised dogs and cats before and was so heartbroken when my adorable pet dog passed away that I decided not to raise animals any longer.

  2. What is your favorite animal?

  My favorite animal is dog because they are very faithful to their master. Once they recognize one person as their master, they never betray him or her. I love dogs also because I'm moved by a documentary. The documentary portrays a dog whose master passed away while it stays in the place where they went most waiting for its master until the day of its death.

  3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?

  People in my country usually have dogs and cats as their pet. Most of people have dogs as their pets because dog is the kind of animal which likes spending time with people and following them around. Others choose cat cuz cats are really adorable.

  4. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet?

  It depends. I don't think cities are suitable places for keeping dogs as a pet cuz the room is too limited. However, keeping a hamster as a pet is just enough cuz hamster occupies a much smaller place.

  5. What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?

  Children can play with pets when adults around him or her are too busy, so that they may be more sociable when they grow up. Also, taking care of a pet can also help children acquire the skills to take care of themselves.



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