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作者:网编整理 来源:国际教育北京学校 点击量: 分享




Do you often buy shoes?

Do you prefer fashionable or comfortable shoes?

Would you spend a lot of money buying shoes?

Would you like to buy fashionable shoes?


Do you often wear headphones?

On what occasions do people wear headphones?

When do you never wear headphones?

Why do you think (some) people enjoy wearing headphones?


Do you like to write something by hand?

What are the differences between handwriting and type writing?

Do you think it’s important to write something by hand?

Do you prefer handwriting or typing? Why?


Do you like going to a park?

Did you like to go to a park when you were a child?

What do you like to do in a park?

Are there anything different between the past and present parks?


Where do you like to go at weekends?

What will you do next weekend?

What did you enjoy doing at weekends during childhood?


Do you have a pet?

What's your favourite pet? (Why?)

Where do you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or outdoors?

Have you ever had a pet before?

What is the most popular pet in China? (Why?)

(Similar to above) What’s the most popular animal in China?


Do you like science?

What kinds of scientific talk have you listened to?

Is it easy or difficult to learn science? Why?

When did you start to learn about science?

Which science subject is interesting to you?

What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?


人物类 - A Clever person

Describe a person who used a clever solution to solve a problem.

You should say:

who he or she was

what the problem was

what he/she did

and explain why you think this solution was clever.

Part 3 questions:

Do you think children’s intelligence is innate, or is more the result of the environment that they experience in their first few years?

Can you suggest why some people are good at doing everything, while others only excel at one specific thing?

In what ways do you think schools could help students develop their intelligence?

人物类 - A business person

Describe a business person you admire.

You should say:

who this person is

how you know about this person

what they did to become successful

and explain why you admire him/her.

Part 3 questions:

What qualities does a person need to have in order to be a successful businessperson?

Which do you think is more important when running one’s own business, formal qualifications, or experience?

What do you think are the key factors that contribute to the success of a business?

What kind of businesses would young people like to have?

Do you prefer teamwork or individual work?

物品类(实物)- An Exciting book

Describe an exciting book you read recently.

You should say:

when you read it

what type of book it was

what the book was about

and explain why you thought the book was exciting.

Part 3 questions:

What kinds of books do Chinese people like to read?

Which group do you think reads more, young people or people of older generation?

Do you think there’s any difference between the reading habits of males and those of females?

Do you think people read more today than they did in the past?

Do you think it’s better to watch a movie before you read the book, or read the book first?

Should parents encourage their children to read?

How can (or could) schools and parents encourage school children to read?

地点类 - A coffee shop

Describe a coffee shop you have been to.

You should say:

when you went there

where it is

what you drank and ate in the coffee shop

and explain why you like or dislike this coffee shop.

Part 3 questions:

Are coffee shops popular in China?

What kinds of people enjoy going to coffee shops?

Why do young people enjoy going to coffee shops to study rather than staying at home to do the same thing?

What are the differences between a coffee shop and a restaurant in China?

Why don't people celebrate their birthdays in coffee shops?

Do you think coffee shops are good places to talk?

事件类 - A Time when you got up very early

Describe a time when you got up very early.

You should say:

when you got up very early

what you did

why you got up early

and explain how you felt when you got up early.

Part 3 questions:

Do you think it’s necessary to be early for every appointment?

Are there any benefits/drawbacks of being early for an appointment?

What do you think of being early for an appointment?

Do you think morning is the best time of each day?

Can you suggest why people think morning/evening is important?

Do Chinese people get up early?

Can you suggest why some people dislike getting up early?





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