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雅思口语范文:TV Programme

雅思口语范文:TV Programme

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  I seldom watch TV, because I have a computer and most of my free time is spent in front of the computer browsing the websites and chatting with my friends. Anyhow, I do have a favourite TV program and it's called "Happy Dictionary". It's a quiz show. In this program a wide range of prizes is given to the winners. The host of this program is my favourite her name is "Wang Xiao Ya". She is an incredible host.

  In the beginning of the program they will introduce the 5 participants and then they will be asked a question, the person who answers the question correctly and quickly will be given an opportunity to take the quiz, the quiz is divided in to three or four stages, I can't remember this exactly right now, anyway in each stage you will get a prize. The prizes are decided by participants, e.g. a computer, laptop, digital video camera, a free package holiday, you know things like that. There are there questions in each stage, and the way the host asks these questions make them more difficult. For example after you have given an answer she will ask you are you sure or not, and the person starts getting confused and changes his right answer to a wrong one, its funny and interesting, I really enjoy this part. The participants can get help from others for answering the questions but its limited there are only three ways and if you have used one then you cannot use it again these three ways are calling a friend by phone, asking the audience and letting the computer erase one of the wrong answer. The entire questions are multiple choices.

  This program is an hour long and is usually broadcasted at 9:00 PM. The other reason why I like this program is that there is no violence and it can enhances my general knowledge.

  I dislike watching news, because they always give you depression and tension. So I want to stick to an old English proverb "No news is good news", so if I don't watch them or listen to them I have No news about what's happening in this mean and crazy world. I think that's it.



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