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  1. Do you often write things? What do you usually write?

  That depends on the situation.

  When I write memo to colleagues, it's work related.

  When I write an email to a friend, it's about personal stuff.

  When I write a love letter, it's all sweet and passionate.

  When I write my diary, it's to clarify my mind.

  I don't write books. I don't write poems. I don't write songs.

  2. Do you prefer to write by hand or write using the computer?

  I prefer writing by hand. It's much more personal and it feels a lot nicer receiving a handwritten letter than it does getting an email.

  I like writing on the computer because it's fun, faster than handwriting and you don't have to worry bout spelling as much!

  I prefer computer, because it's faster and readable.

  3. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?

  Yes. Very likely! I can't remember when I last time wrote down more than a few words in handwriting. Probably back in university several years ago. I even use the computer for brainstorming.

  Yes. I think computers will cause the art of handwriting, letter writing, etc. to become a thing of the past. People are too lazy to pick up a pen, these days, it seems like a lot of kiddies can type faster than they can write.

  No. some people write fantastic emails, its not all one liners and text speak, so the skills are there, letters will stay around, they have more meaning now as they take more effort. Just as TV didn't kill radio, email won't kill letters. Problem is most letters are written on the computer and then printed out.



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