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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  1. How often do you watch television? [Why/Why not?]


  相关语料:very often, frequently, rarely, seldom, from time to time, once in a while, spare time, weekend, holiday, TV show/program, selective, for fun, relax.

  示范答案:Well, to be honest, it's rarely the case that I would sit in front of the television for multiple hours and turn myself into a couch potato. I tend to get bored very easily with TV unless something interests me; otherwise I just tune out and engage myself in my own business. And if I presume that there's something I need to know; instead of watching TV, it's more likely that I would turn to the web or simply crack a book.

  2. Which television channel do you usually watch? [Why?]


  相关语料:vary from people to people, news channel, documentary channel, entertainment channel, movie channel, music channel, opera channel, channel surfing, fix on, get updated.

  示范答案:The first things that pop out in my mind with regard to the topic TV channel are a couple of sports ones, for example, CCTV 5, CSPN, GDTV 3, etc. You know, I recognize myself as a big fan of sports, and it comes out as one of my greatest entertainment and pastime resorts. They are exciting, thrilling, inspiring and serves for me as a good way of decompression from tedious work and daily chores.

  3. Do you enjoy the advertisements on television? [Why/Why not?]


  相关语料:ad, commercial, promote, advertise, propagate, spread, hate, dislike, be disgusted, nasty, odious, misleading, deceiving, bluff, violence, discretion advised, artistic, content rich, inspiring.

  示范答案:I love commercials, but certainly not all of them. Some commercials are funny and others are simply annoying with their repetitive programming! And I hate interrupting programs to play commercials, especially when I am glued to the TV at thrilling moments during football season. Sometimes there are more commercials then actual shows, and they can really suck up people's appetite for watching. In these cases I'd either have to pass on using the computer or being driven crazy.

  4. Do you think most programmes on television are good? [Why/Why not?]


  相关语料:contents of the TV programs, properly censored, administrative authority, violent, sexually explicit, vulgar, general public, appreciate, aesthetic.

  示范答案:I think I'll have to say no. There are some programmes which are educational and informative, for example, some documentaries and news footages. But the truth is that, most programmes being broadcasted on television are business-oriented. The sole purpose of the programme being made is to make money; for instance, some talent shows have crappy shows with crappy talents. And some programmes are crammed with pornography and violence, which could be negative and misleading.










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