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雅思口语Test2Part1话题解析:Musical instrument

雅思口语Test2Part1话题解析:Musical instrument

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  1.Which instrument do you like listening to most? [Why?]


  要点提示 The name of the instrument, and explain the reasons.

  结构示例 I don't really know much about musical instruments, but I like listening to… The sound of … gives me the feeling of…

  结构示例 I enjoy listening to the piano most. The reason is simple: it's pleasing to the ear. Besides,piano is a versatile instrument. In terms of power of expressiveness,no other instruments can match it.

  2.Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? [Which one?]


  参考答案:Yes,I have. I joined a violin class when I was in the primary school. It took me a bit of time to master the techniques. There were quite a few squeaks at first. I'd say it was really a torture to people around me: my parents and the tutor,but they gave me lots of encouragement. Although I'm still an amateur,I get great pleasure from playing it.

  3.Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument at school? [Why/Why not?]


  示范答案:Yes,that's for sure. For parents and teachers,having children to learn to play an instrument helps identify their talent for music at an early age. For children,learning to play an instrument allows them to develop creativity and express themselves . I personally believe that if there's one thing you should learn in your lifetime,it is how to play an instrument.

  4.How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher? Why?


  示范答案:Personally,I think it would be quite difficult to learn without a teacher. Music shops do sell books that claim to teach you to play,but I think they may work for a few clever people,while in most cases you'll find it impossible. You cannot master the subtle and complex techniques without the instruction of a real live teacher.










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