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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  1. Q: How do you usually contact your friends? Why?


  示范答案:I usually contact them using my mobile/cell phone. By using this I can contact them anywhere / anytime. If they do not answer, I can always leave a voicemail, and they can call me back later. Sometimes I use instant messenger because it allows me to see when my friends are available and to talk to many people at the same time.

  2. Q: Do you prefer to contact different people in different ways? Why?


  示范答案:I usually use E-mail or instant messenger to contact my friends. For older people I usually write letters or call on the telephone. This is because many older people are unfamiliar with new technology. Also at work I would tend to use E-mail more often because it allows messages to be saved as well as to transfer pertinent data.

  3. Q: Do you find it easy to keep in contact with friends and family? Why/Why not?


  示范答案:It’s very easy to keep in touch with my friends because there are many different modes /ways of communication available. I find it easy to stay in touch with them because we have many similar issues we like to talk about, and we contact each other more often because of this. I do not find it as easy to stay in touch with my family because of the generation gap. While I love them I find less need to call for frequent discussion. I usually just contact them once a week.

  4. Q: In your country, did people in the past keep in contact in the same ways as they do today? Why? Why not?


  示范答案:In the past the only real way of keeping in contact with people was to visit them and talk with them or send them a letter. Visiting was good because it kept friendships alive. Writing letters was good too because the person would keep the letters and could read them many times. Sometimes,it is for the nice memory.










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