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雅思口语题目解析:Someone or sth made noise

雅思口语题目解析:Someone or sth made noise

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a time someone or something made noise.

  You should say:

  When this happened

  Who this person was/what this thing was

  What kinds of noise was

  and explain what you did when you heard the noise.


  可以聊到neighbors makenoise, 比如邻居家中有toddler 还在学步的小孩总是会哭闹,或者邻居家总是会有party 会有loud music





  When--- 具体是什么时间




  unbearable 难以忍受的

  sound proof 隔音

  turn the musicdown 把音乐关小

  vibrate 振动

  apologize forsomething 向~~道歉

  I actually had neighbors that make an effort to make loud noises when it was obvious that my family and I were preparing for sleep. They were young couple without kids and lived next door. The most unbearable time was a Monday evening, we had to get up early next day, but they were having an extremely loud party next door. Although the flat was pretty well sound proof, we could clearly hear the laugh , the music and they talked so loud until the mid-night. It was really annoying and we didn't want to go knock on their door and ask them to turn the music down, because we had tried before and that reaction didn't really get much accomplishment but my walls were literally vibrating with the music. Around 2 am, I called the community to help. They came after 20 minutes and stopped them. The couple were really embarrassed when they had to stop their party. They even didn't apologize for the terrible noise. Luckily we moved to a new place and neighbors are pretty nice and amiable. People all want good neighbors, and we should be considerate and thoughtful to our neighbors for having a great relationship with our neighbors.



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