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雅思口语题目解析:A stage of life you enjoyed

雅思口语题目解析:A stage of life you enjoyed

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe an age or stage you enjoyed mostly in your life.

  You should say:

  When it happened

  Where you were

  What you did

  And explain why you enjoyed this stage so much.

  思路:很多人拿到题目后就立刻说是童年,因为小时候没有这么多作业和考试,整天都是玩,没有现在这么大的压力,但既然大家都这么说这个答案就落入俗套了。我们可以坚持说童年,只是大家可以另辟蹊径,再想想怎么样才能让妥妥地说服考官,让他认同那就是最美的时光。比如,我们可以说自己很幸运( fortunate)能有一对喜欢旅行的父母(adventurous parents),他们会在每一年都请假( take some time off)带我去旅行。 比如,8岁那年我在大草原上体验了骑马(ride a horse),后一年冬天他们又带我去东北滑雪(skiing)看冰雕(ice sculptures),而爸爸还酷爱摄影(he's keen on photography), 所以他用镜头记录(record)了我们的每一次旅行。当然,这样完美的父母基本都是别人家的,但为什么我们不可以在口语考试里借鉴别人的故事呢?所以大家平时积累素材很重要,很多人会说自己的生活很无趣,那我们就更应该学会移花接木,这样我们说英语就很有料了。时态:这段话明显需要我们回顾过去,所以正确使用动词过去式很重要。除此之外,大家如果能有意识地去丰富时态,加入进行时以及完成时,语法项的得分会更高。E.g.While we were staying in the northeast of China, we went skiing and attended the annual ice sculpture festival.I was super excited on the horse back coz I had never done it before.


  1. A boarding school, 寄宿学校。2. feel insecure, 感觉不安。3. a bubbly personality, 活泼开朗的个性。A bubbly person is lively and cheerful and talks a lot.4. Stay up all night, 通宵未睡。5. for ages,很久很久。6. Be reliant on...,依赖...7. Do the laundry, 洗衣服。8. A fitness buff, 酷爱健身的人。a movie buff9. Be grateful for..., 感恩...10. post updates, 更新状态。

  Sample answer:

  I would say the best time of my life so far is the first year in high school. At that time, I was about 13 years old. The school I was studying at was a boarding school, far away from the city center. I got to go home only on weekends and holidays. At first, I felt rather nervous and insecure coz never in my life had I lived away from my parents. But soon I realized I had been worried for nothing, thanks to my wonderful roommates. I lived with the other 3 girls, each one of them was bubbly, warm-hearted and super easy to get along with. I remember the first night, we stayed up all night and had a little "house-warming “party. We sat around a little table, eating lots of snacks, like chips and chocolate bars, while sharing our life stories. After that, we got to know each other better and we all felt like we had known each other for ages. As for why I enjoyed this stage of my life so much, well, to start with, I have grown so much as a person. Before that, I had been so reliant on my parents to take care of me. Living in the dormitory taught me how to do the laundry and manage my time and stuff like that. I became an independent girl. More importantly, I made friends with these amazing people, especially my roommates. You know, there was this girl called Jennifer, a fitness buff. She would literally drag me out of bed and forced me to jog with her in the morning, at 6. Because of that, jogging has become a habit of mine ever since. My point is, these people were such a positive influence on me. I'm genuinely grateful for the time we spent together. Now we are studying in different cities, two of my roommates went to UK last year. We keep in touch through Wechat, the most popular social app in China. We post updates on a daily basis so that others can find out what we are up to.



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