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雅思口语题目解析:A day off

雅思口语题目解析:A day off

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe something you would like to do if you were given a day off.

  You should say:

  What you would like to do

  Who would you like to be with

  Where you would like to do it

  and explain how you would feel at the end of the day

  解析:题目问的是休假一天你将怎么度过。这道题已经不是新题了,在2012-2013年的时候就考过一样的题目。然而这个题目一直被认为是相对难答的题目之一。需要注意的是这道题的问法有玄机,问的是如果你有一天你休假,你计划将怎么度过。这显然是一个对将来的虚拟,大家在回答这道题的时候就要格外小心语态的问题,重要的事情再强调一遍,问题中的语态和时态对应的就应该是我们回答的时候的语态和时态!所以对于这个题,我们通常会用到…. I would like to....; I guess I probably would…; 或者干脆就 I plan to…都可以。

  那么对于这个topic本身,我们可以回答的内容相对是比较广泛的,怎么度过一天,你可以说有一个非常短的旅行short trip; 可以说跟朋友聚会friend-gathering, I would like to hang out and have a blast with friends; 可以说跟家人在一起享受天伦之乐,enjoy quality time with family; 可以说去做一些平时想做但是没时间做的休闲娱乐活动,爱好之类的,I would like to lie in the sofa, reading a novel with a cup of coffee in my hand, which I guess might be the best choice for me. 那么接下来2个小题,who to be with and where to go就比较简单啦,根据你选的想做的是做人物和地点的设定就OK了,friends/ besties/ family…; 最后一题,how would you like to feel, 依然是对将来的虚拟,让大家设想你这样度过一天之后的感受,大家不妨可以跟常规题目的最后一题做一个借鉴,通常情况下常规的题目最后一问问的是and explain why you enjoy it, 针对今天的这题目的最后一问,我们也可以说理由嘛,I assume that would be perfect for me to spend my day off, even if just for one day, in that way, because we are now so preoccupied by other chores at work and at home. If I could spend a day like that with people whom I care about that would be really precious and meaningful.

  Tip:如果大家属于比较懒的那一型,不喜欢重新构架story-telling 的部分,大家不妨可以合并相似话题,例如最近常考的话题里面有long walk,a journey by car, an educational trip, a happy family event 等等都可以作为这个题目的素材,大家不妨把之前已经准备过的如上题目进行一个改写,注意时态的使用就OK了。

  Sample:In this highly competitive modern society, people are struggling to earn a good living or move up the ladder, which means we are so preoccupied with substantial volume of work and have less and less time to spend in our own way. I assume if people could be given one day off, they would like to spend that day in various ways. But to me, I probably won't choose to hit the road and have a trip or to hang out with friends like many others might do. I suppose if I really think about that, I would have a much more meaningful and productive day off.Since I graduated from the university, I have been working hard and spent most of my time at workplace, and sometimes I even deal with the tasks at home which left me little time to spend with my family. I think it is time to have a change of my heart and get my priority right. So ideally I would like to fulfill the promise I made to my parents and enjoy that day with them. My dad has been always wanted me to go fishing with him and my mom wanted me to help her with the gardening. As I was the one being taken good care of, I hope I can give them some feedback. If I were given a day off, I would get up early and prepare breakfast for my parents, leaving a note on the table and telling them how grateful I am to their care. When I return home after jogging, I plan to clean the garden for my mom and pick up some flowers for her. Maybe then I would just stay at home with then, watch a movie or read some books, just be laid back and enjoy the time.I think that is the way I would like to spend my day off, meaningful and productive.



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