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雅思口语题目解析:A family member

雅思口语题目解析:A family member

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a family member that you have spent the most time with.

  You should say

  who this person is

  what you often do together

  what you think of this person

  and explain why you spend most time with him/her.





  语料:shopping: department stores, window shopping, whatever I want, afford, spoil, try on, look at … in the minor, close fit, go well with, match, perfectionist, picky, particular, hard to please, perfect clothes, smart suit, tailor made

  chat: common topics, generation gap, care much about, dream job, story line, speculate…, plots… ending… characters… disagreement…cook: meals, dinner, good cook, chef, secret recipes, common dishes, nothing special, adjust the flavor to my liking, have been used to…, balanced… nutrition facts, take great care of…

  范文:I'm going to talk about my mom, because I spend most time with her at home. Actually, we don't do anything special together, but I feel relaxed, comfortable and safe with her.We often have meals together, especially the dinner. Mom cooks for the family and I often help her in the kitchen. I would say she is a good cook, although her cooking is not comparable with the chefs' in top restaurants. However, on top of all the common dishes and traditional Chinese food, she knows some secret recipes that are really fantastic. More importantly, mom would adjust the flavor of the dishes to my liking. I guess that's why I have been used to her cooking and the balanced, nutritious diet.Mom and I also talk quite a lot. Unlike other mothers, my mom tries her best to find common topics with me, although we obvious have a generation gap. I can tell that she really cares much about me. She would ask me questions about the animation series that I watch as well as the bands that I listen to. When we watch TV together, which happens quite a lot, we would talk about the story line and sometimes try to speculate plots and even the ending of different characters. We don't always reach an agreement, however, it's great fun.



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