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雅思口语题目解析:Help the environment

雅思口语题目解析:Help the environment

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Describe a small thing you do to help the environment

  You should say:

  what you do

  why you want to do it

  how you do it

  and explain why it can help the environment

  题目概述:这道题目要求描述你做过的一件有利于环境的小事包括:你做了什么、你为什么想要做这件事情、你是如何做的以及你觉得为什么这件事情是有利于环境的。一般在描述事件类话题的时候,考生们由于忽视了题目中隐含的因素,容易陷进无话可说的尴尬境地。我们来看看这个题目当中涉及到几个关键的信息点,包括 a small thing和environment 由于现在大家对于环境保护的重视,因此关于environment的话题中的一些单词和短语,相信大家并不陌生。比如保护环境的说法:environment protection; preserve the environment; 节能减排: save the energy and reduce the carbon dioxide emission;低碳经济:low-carbon economy等,这些比较常规的说法大家还是要事先做一个准备,在必要的时候可以展示出来。


  首先是题目主体的识别。考生们一般会把重心放在事情上面,但是这个题目的难点在于,这个题目问的是 a small thing you do,要求从自身出发,讲述自己做过的事情。建议大家在回答这个问题的时候,将重心放在自己做过的事情上,千万不要忘记联系自身,否则在正式说起来的时候,就只能一味地强调环保的意义,强调环境对人类的重要性。这种答案既容易偏题,又会因为内容过于空泛而给自己造成不必要的表达难度。因此,我们再次提醒大家,只要是事件类的话题,千万不要放过“当事人”,也就是事情的执行者,他们是如何做这件事的,他们的心理活动,很值得我们挖掘。第二个难点是题目中的时态识别。大家会发现,题目问的是 a small thing you do 而不是 a small thing you did 这个细微的差别就在于,考生们最好讲述一件常态的、自己可以持续去做的事情,而不要集中描述某年某月某日自己做的某一件事情,否则容易偏题。


  针对这道题目,具体的选择可以有:垃圾分类 sort the garbage out / classify the waste不使用一次性餐具 disposable tableware / one-time tableware 一次性筷子一般可以说成 disposable chopsticks纸张回收 recycle paper避免过度使用汽车 或者 以骑车的方式代替开车 reduce the overuse of vehicle / ride a bicycle instead of driving如此等等,甚至,有些同学因为一时没有想到任何具体的环保措施,就把“宣传环保”作为答案,说自己常年在居住的小区向大家普及环保的概念。虽然这是打了一个擦边球,但是紧急情况下也并非不可以,并且,只要能够扣住题目中的几点要求,自圆其说,这甚至可以是一个不错的答案。


  由于考生当中的大部分还是大中学生,因此我们今天的答案范例以纸张回收作为答案。除了题目中要求的几个小点之外,我们还可以在叙述中添加一些额外信息,使得答案丰满一些。The small thing I do to help the environment is to recycle paper. Actually I didn't start to do this until I was in high school. At the very beginning, I used to writing only on one side of each piece of paper and then threw it away.But one day, my science teacher in high school showed us a documentary on environment protection, which told us about the severe environmental problems that imposed a huge threat on human beings. In the documentary, paper-using was especially mentioned for the reason that we actually cut down tons of trees each year just to make all sorts of papers. I was shocked by the image of the black, bare, lifeless mountain after all the trees were moved. More seriously, cutting trees led to climate change, which further on, triggered catastrophes such as flood, blizzard, and landslide. They all made people nearby suffer from a miserable life. At that moment, I decided that I should cherish each piece of paper and avoid overusing it.From then on, I never threw any paper away without using both sides of it. Moreover, I collect wasted paper everyday and sort them out according to their raw material. Then I take the wasted paper to the recycling station, where they are more carefully divided into various categories and later, will be used to produce other paper-products.Not only do I do this by myself, I also encourage my schoolmates and friends to do this together. I understand that the paper I can recycle only accounts for a tiny proportion of paper in everyday use. However, I believe that this small action may seem to be a drop in a bucket, but with our effort accumulating, it will finally make a difference. If we save one piece of paper each day, we may save one tree, or even a small woodland each year.



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