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  Describe a recent happy event that you had.

  You should say:

  When this happened?

  What the event was?

  Who was with you?

  And explain why you felt happy about it.


  参加姐姐Sara的婚礼。我和她从小感情就很好,也很开心她找到了自己的归宿,尽管有了老公后我和她 的感情没有以前那么亲密了。。

  This topic is a perfect match to a recent occasion held last month. It was my beloved sister's wedding(亲爱的姐姐的婚礼). Her name is Sara, she is 4 years older than me and she is 26 years old to be exact. I and Sara has had a solid sister relationship(感情很好) since we were kids. We were like twins because we dressed alike(穿着相像) and we did the same activities most of the time. However, everything changed when she started having a relationship with Billy. There's a thin line(关系不再那么亲密) between our sister bonding and I totally understand that. They've been dating for 3 years and I can say that Billy is truly a gentleman so I like him for my sister. Then recently, they decided to get married. I couldn't disagree because I know that my sister had been willing to marry him. At some point I felt bad because my sister wouldn't be staying at home with us but on the brighter side(从好的方面想) I was happy for her because she finally found her prince charming(找到了白马王子). When the wedding day came, I cried like a river(哭成了泪人) but I think those tears were tears of joy(高兴的泪水). Billy held my hand and promised me that though he will not be a perfect husband he will not fail to be a good husband to my sister. Those uttered words from him moved me. I hope I can find a person like Billy. In summary, I can't get over it yet but I can say that I am truly happy.



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