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雅思口语part1题库- Patience

雅思口语part1题库- Patience

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  雅思口语part1题库- Patience


  1.Are you less or more patient when you are angry?

  2.How do you feel when other people are not patient?

  3.Were you patient when you were young?


  1.Are you less or more patient when you are angry?

  Definitely less patient! In a fit of anger, I may totally lose control and say whatever comes into my mind first, no matter it is suitable or not. At the same time, I might talk more rapidly and never want to repeat what I have said again. I know that is terrible, but that is what will happen when I get mad.

  2.How do you feel when other people are not patient?

  Well, in this kind of situation, I would get very nervous and wish to bring an end to this situation as soon as possible, since under such circumstances, I would wonder if I have just bothered others or have brought inconvenience to them. But when I was younger, I might get very annoyed when others showed an impatient attitude because at that time I was not mature enough.

  3.Were you patient when you were young?

  Actually, I have been very tolerant and easy-going since I was very little. I think that is because my parents were both good-tempered. All my childhood friends liked to hang out with me because I always listened to them attentively. My mom often says that being a teacher or psychiatrist will be a perfect job for me since I have great patience.



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