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  Describe an ideal house

  You should say:

  What it is like

  Where it is

  When you want to live there

  What some special features it has

  And explain why it is ideal to you


  我理想中的这个乡下农舍不需要很大,有两三件屋子供我日常生活即可,但我最希望的是有一大片园子,希望这个小房子能在北京郊区,自己退休后去那里居住,最突出的特点是我希望能经营一个自己的果园, 我希望人就算老了也还是要找到自己的兴趣所在。

  My ideal house is a farmhouse in the countryside. You know, I grew up in a city and the only chances I had to stay in such a house was when my family visited some relatives(探亲访友) there. Actually, I never got the opportunity to live there for a long time. But I find it a very cozy place to enjoy your life(适合过安逸的生活,很温馨). So, my ideal farmhouse is not a big place. Two or three rooms to satisfy my daily life would be totally enough. But what I truly want is a huge orchard(果园) where I can grow grapes, peaches, apples and other fruits. Growing fruits is something I always want to do(种水果一直是我想做的事情). If it is possible, I want this farmhouse to be located on the outskirts of Beijing (北京的郊区) because all my friends and relatives are there. I don't want to live too far away from them yet some distances are still needed(保持一定的距离也是有必要的). So the countryside of Beijing will be perfect. Besides that, I want to live there after my retirement. Because such a life is more suitable for aging people(这样的生活适合老人). As a youngster, I'm still ambitious and don't want to lose my dreams by indulging in comfortable life(作为年轻人,我不想沉 浸在舒适的环境里,丢掉自己的梦想). By the way, the orchard will be the main feature of this house. I always think old people should also do something meaningful and foster their own interests(培养 自己的兴趣). I want my senior life to be as interesting as that of young people. So living in such an ideal house when I'm old is perfect for me.



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