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雅思口语part2题库范文- 家中照片

雅思口语part2题库范文- 家中照片

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  雅思口语part2题库范文- 家中照片


  Describe a picture or photograph in your home

  You should say:

  What does it show

  When you took it

  Where the picture is in your home

  And explain why you like it best



  If you ask me for an account of a picture in my home, a photo taken in an art gallery is definitely the first thing that comes to mind. Last October, I went to an oil painting gallery with my friends. We took so many pictures of all of the art works, but the most impressive one is the picture of Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge by Claude Monet. I am actually a big of Monet, and I believe this work could be called his masterpiece. I like it so much that I printed it out put it on my nightstand in bedroom.

  As you can tell from its title, the painting is a landscape of water lilies in a pond with a Japanese bridge as a central feature over the waters and trees and grasses behind. At first sight, it seems green all over, but if you look closer, you will find that it is so much more. In addition to the greens, Monet's palette(调色盘) consists of white, pink, purple, yellow, blue, brown and black. Different hues(色调) vividly represent the shadows and light, waters and leaves. A founder of French Impressionist painting, Monet adopted a method of painting the same scene many times in order to capture the changing of light(捕捉光线的变化) and the passing of seasons(季节的流逝). This painting was inspired by(灵感来自于……)his garden view. Monet started growing his own gardens in his forties with cool greens and calm, reflective(波光粼粼的) waters, enhanced by exotic plants(奇花异草).

  I like this painting because it makes me feel calm, as if I am walking in the garden, breathing the fresh air and observing the flowers and trees with the painter himself. The painter captured the passing beauty of an ephemeral moment(转瞬)and created eternity(永恒)out of it. His unique visual sensitivity and emotional response to nature are expressed in both the garden itself and his paintings. That is why people a hundred years later are still touched(被打动)by the beauty of this painting. I really hope someday I can have the opportunity to see it in person(亲自). I'm sure it will be so much more impressive than what I saw in the book.



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