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  Describe a school you went to in your childhood

  You should say:

  Where it was

  What it was like

  What you learned there(is there something useful)

  Who is your favorite teacher

  And how you felt about it


  小学时,我在一所舞蹈学校学习拉丁舞。这个学校离家很近。学校名字是以捐款人的名字命名的。学校 的氛围很好,我们有自己的校队、医务室和体育馆。除了学习舞蹈,我也会和同学们在体育馆打棒球。学校里老师和学生关系很好彼此爱护。我们的班主任陈老师十分令人尊敬,即使有同学打闹中不慎犯错,陈老师不会胡乱训斥他们,而是传授道理和方法,事后学生甚至会写卡片给陈老师道歉。现在,我和当年的老师同学都还保持着联系。

  Well, I went to a dancing school to learn Latin dance. The school was in the vicinity of (与……邻近) my home. It was one of the big dancing schools in that area which is named after (以……命名) the donor, one of the most famous alumni(校友). I went there when I was 5 years old, because it was advisable to start dancing before 6. The atmosphere(气氛) at school was very reliable. We had our own school dancing teams, as well as our own medical room and gym. The teaching staff was very close with the students, so we all respected our teachers. One of the most respected(受人尊敬的) teachers was Mr. Chen. He used his understanding (善解人意的) personality to stop the kids from running wild(乱跑打闹). Even if some misbehaved(行为不端) and the students caused these troubles unintentionally(无意的), Mr. Chen wouldn’t blame them, but urged(鼓励) them to be responsible for the trouble and make it right. Today, I still have contact with Mr. Chen and my classmates. The times in the dancing school were the most memorable in my life, because I enjoyed my every minute there.



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