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  1.Does your voice sound similar to your parents?

  2.Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?

  3.Has your voice ever changed?

  4.Do you like your own voice?


  1.Does your voice sound similar to your parents?

  No, not at all. My mother speaks with an accent, but it still sounds clear and sweet. If she was a saleswoman, I suppose she would get the best sales figures amongst others. One can't say NO to such a pleasant voice. My father has such a low and deep voice. He never barks to show he is unhappy, but he simply clears his throat. Interestingly, my voice is neither sweet nor persuasive, just the middle type.

  2.Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it?

  Nuh... That could be a bit narcissistic(自恋的), from my point of view. As I've mentioned, I don't find my voice especially charming. But I do, sometimes, listen to my voice messages to others in WeChat, just making sure, you know, that there wasn't any mistake or disturbing(令人不适的) noise.

  3.Has your voice ever changed?

  Yeah, I think so, but I assume basically everybody goes through this period when their voices change dramatically(剧烈地), like, for boys the pitch goes down, and for girls quite the contrary. That happens around adolescence(青春期), typically. I was 13 when my voice broke,. But nothing has changed ever after.

  4.Do you like your own voice?

  Well... I don't know, actually... I mean, I don't think I dislike it(否定转移,我也没有不喜欢), it's just that I don't think there is anything special about my voice. Normally, we would describe a great voice as 'magnetic', or 'three-dimensional', as if it comes from a high-end acoustic device(声学设备), like a stereo. I don't really think my voice has those qualities.



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