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雅思口语新题参考答案:A historical building you visited

雅思口语新题参考答案:A historical building you visited

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  雅思口语新题参考答案:A historical building you visited

  3 A historical building you visited

  where it was;

  what it looked like;

  what it was used for when you visited it;

  and explain what you learnt there.




  China has a fairly rich historic background. So of course there are many old buildings worth checking out but the one I visited recently is quite special. It's the Leshan Giant Buddha, in Sichuan province. It's not as famous or as popular as the main tourist attractions in China (such as the Great Wall and so on) but this colossal monument was built in ancient times and it's quite impressive. It's a huge structure carved into the stone cliffs. It's over 250 meters tall and something like 100 meters wide. I remember reading that construction of the monument began early in the 8th century and it took almost a hundred years to reach completion. It doesn't really serve any function nowadays – other than a tourist attraction - it is the largest and tallest stone Buddha statue in the world - The site attracts millions of people every year, including Buddhist pilgrims, making it something of a sacred destination and an ancient wonder of the world. If you haven't seen it, I would certainly recommend it if you are ever travelling in Sichuan province – it's definitely worth a day trip.


  建筑类的话题一直以来存在感都很高, 难度也不小。如果是针对历史建筑historical building的话,建筑的“风格”“历史”和“功能”是重点,大家在准备此类题目的时候可以从熟悉的地点入手,比如中国的The Forbidden City, The Terracotta Army, Peace Hotel等等。最好也可以提前准备一些与建筑物相关的一些词语,比如pavilion(亭子), memorial arch (牌坊), plinth(底基)等等。大家可以搜索你感兴趣的建筑物的英文介绍页面,最好是官方的网站,把里面的一些介绍性的,可取的说法借用过来。

  · 加分词汇: colossal monument(巨大的纪念碑), ancient, impressive, sacred, pilgrim(朝圣的人), serve

  · 地道表达: quite (出现的频次很高, 自然表达必备), fairly, certainly, definitely

  · 加分短语: carve into..., other than..., worth...,as...as...,worth a trip



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