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雅思口语新题参考答案:A person who has interesting ideas

雅思口语新题参考答案:A person who has interesting ideas

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  雅思口语新题参考答案:A person who has interesting ideas

  1. A person who has interesting ideas

  who this person is

  how you know this person

  what interesting ideas/opinions he or she has

  and explain why you think his/her ideas are interesting


  新旧情况:5月新题 旧题改编


  So I'm going to talk about my uncle. He's my mum's brother and we are quite close so I see him quite a lot. So that's obviously how I know him.

  My uncle has been in the restaurant business for many years and I think most people would agree that he is quite successful – he has run quite a lot of different restaurants over the years.

  I think the secret to his success is his interesting ideas. He always comes up with very original concepts in his restaurants – not just for the menu – but for the theme – the décor and even the way that the food is served – he is always quite innovative and of course his restaurants attract a lot of customers.

  I can give you an example – he opened a restaurant called the 'beehive' and the theme was of course honey bees and a lot of the dishes contained honey. But he didn't stop there – he also sold jars of natural honey in the restaurant.

  I think his ideas are interesting because he's always willing to try something new and his instincts are usually right.


  · 如果我们来总结一下part2中话题为“人”的题目内容,很容易就会发现套路其实是一样的:是谁—如何认识—做过什么—为什么有这样的印象。这道题虽然是新题,但人物类的问题其实是可以互相套用的。建议大家平时准备人物类的问题时可以备好一个固定的模版, 多多总结, 从而实现一个素材全方位立体无死角100%使用的效果。

  · 加分词汇: the décor, innovative, obviously, instincts(直觉)

  · 地道表达: quite close, I can give you an example, of course

  · 加分短语:come up with..., willing to, jars of...



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