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雅思口语范文-Visit relatives

雅思口语范文-Visit relatives

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  雅思口语part1:Visit relatives

  Do you often visit your relatives?你经常拜访你的亲戚吗?

  Not to much, most of my relatives moved aboard, so a face-to-face visit isn’t practical when my schedules are busy. We usually celebrate festivals by sending cards and letters to far-away family members, or making time for a phone call or internet chat.

  What do you do when visiting relatives?你拜访亲戚时都做些什么?

  There is always a family ping pong tournament, brackets and all. The winner gets a cold 6-pack and bragging rights the rest of the year!

  When was the last time you visited a relative?你最后一次拜访亲戚是什么时候?

  My mom's side of the family live in another city 5 hours away, so I see them probably once every two three years. Last summer holiday, my cousin and I met in my home.

  Why do people visit their relatives? 人们为什么要拜访他们的亲戚?

  Not only in China, also other countries in the world, family members reunite to spend time with each other, away from the demands of work at some important day is a traditional ceremony. That is to promote family togetherness, keep family bonds alive and create family memories.



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