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雅思口语话题解析:a shopping centre

雅思口语话题解析:a shopping centre

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  雅思口语话题解析:a shopping centre

  Describe a shopping centre

  Nowadays, there are many shopping centers in Wuhan, such as Qunguang Plaza, Xinshijie Department Store and SOGO. Among them, I like Wuhan Plaza best. It is located right in the heart of downtown Hankou, and is just a stone's throw away from Zhongshan Park, a famous park named after Sun Zhongshan.

  Wuhan Plaza is fifty storey's high and the outside looks really gorgeous, with a couple of statues in front of it. I am fascinated by this mall, coz every conceivable kind of goods are sold there, from daily goods to mobile phones and from domestic produces to foreign produces. When we get to the plaza, we are treated warmly. The shop assistants great us friendly and always help us find us find what we want. But the price is high. If there was something on sale, the price would be reasonable. I like shopping in it, coz it often holds promotions and has some giveaway presents. Besides, the price of consumer goods are lower than in other shopping centers.



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