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  1.What social skills can you learn from communication with other people?

  2.Do you prefer hanging out with a big or small group of friends?


  1.What social skills can you learn from communication with other people?

  First of all, the ability to perceive the atmosphere(感知气氛). There is a very wise proverb that I like,which says: 'If you don't have to speak, tell nothing; if you have to speak, tell the truth; if you can'tbe honest, tell a joke.' This is a very conclusive(总结性的) theory of interpersonal communication.For instance, if you don't like one of the people at the party, you just try to avoid talking to himwhen possible. If you ever have to deal with him, then instead of having a debate or even a quarrel,simply talk about something trivial(微不足道的,无关紧要的) and fun, so that conflict can beeffectively avoided.

  2.Do you prefer hanging out with a big or small group of friends?

  A small group, for sure. I tend to believe that big parties are just like platforms, which are for youto build and perfect(使完美) your social network. You don't necessarily have more fun, or evenenjoy yourself at a big party, well, at least this is true for me. I often feel like I don't know what todo or who to talk to in those circumstances(情况). Also, it's very hard to find a common interest fora big group of people. For instance, my best friend Lucy and I, we always go to all sorts ofmuseums, cuz we both enjoy browsing antiques(古董) and learning about history. That way, we caneasily have a marvellous time together, without worrying about anything else.



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