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雅思口语话题解析:a skill - driving

雅思口语话题解析:a skill - driving

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  雅思口语话题解析:a skill - driving

  Describe a skill - driving

  Nowadays, there are many schools providing learning to drive. And the ads about these schools can be seen everywhere in our campus. All the ads are persuading us to learn driving and enroll in them. Even some of my friends who have already got driving licenses are also persuading me to get one. Seeing they can drive to where they want to go, I decided to learning driving last summer holiday. Besides, I think driving skills, together with computing skills, are the most important skills in the future. And it should be a skill that every college student master. It even should be popularized just as cycling skills.

  In addition, I have a great affection for travelling. If I own a driving license and a car, I can travel wherever I want to go. Even in daily life, driving skills play a significant role, coz I needn't to catch the crowned bus or worry about being late. The skills will make my life more convenient, especially in emergency. 22. Describe a leisure activity I was crazy about "the eagle and the chicks" when I was a little kid. It is a traditional Chinese game. Even now, I can see the kids in my community playing it. The reason why it is so popular among kids is that it is funny and easy to play.

  The game starts with choosing a kid as the eagle and another the hen, with other kids acting as the chicks of the hen. Then, the eagle tries his best to catch the chicks, while the hen makes every effort to protect his chicks. If a chick was captured by the eagle, the chick would be the eagle in the next new game.

  These days, we just play the computers and surf the Internet to enjoy ourselves. But sometimes I really miss the pleasure in my childhood.



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