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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  Describe a team where you were a member

  Describe a family member you spend most time with

  Describe an ideal house or apartment you would like to live

  Describe a change that can improve your local area

  Describe a time you saw an interesting animal

  Describe sth you bought that was difficult to use

  Describe a job you would not like to do in the future

  Describe a successful small company you know

  Describe an occasion when you could not use your mobile phone

  Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity

  下面为大家详细分类Part 2

  People 人物

  1. Describe a person who is often in the news, and who you would like to meet.【老题回库】

  2. Describe a family member you spend the most time with.【老题回库】

  3. Describe a person who taught you something important.

  4. Describe a member in a team.

  1. Describe a person who is often in the news, and who you would like to meet.【老题回库】

  You should say:

  who this person is

  how you know him/her

  why he/she is often in the news

  and explain why you would like to meet him/her.

  Part 3 Questions

  Do you think the contents in the newspapers are reliable?

  What kinds of celebrities that are always on the news?

  Do you think it's necessary for people to watch foreign news?Why?

  Do you like reading news?

  would foreigners appears in Chinese news?

  What are the differences between news in the past and news now?

  How does dances (or drama plays) influence children?

  What kinds of news do old people like?

  How does the way people receive news differ from 20 years ago?

  2. Describe a family member you spend the most time with.【老题回库】

  You should say:

  who this person is

  what you usually do together

  what kind of person he/she is

  and explain why you spend the most time with him/her.

  Part 3 Questions

  In China, how many generations are living under one roof today?

  What are the benefits and drawbacks of a family of several generation living together?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship?

  What's the differences between the advice (or help) given by friends or families?

  Do parents have equal responsibilities in taking care of their children?

  Which is more important, the support from families or friends?

  When taking care of a baby, what are the differences between a father and a mother?

  Places 地点

  1. Describe a crowded place you've been to.【老题回库】

  2. Describe a successful small company.【老题回库】

  3. Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in. 【老题回库】

  1. Describe a crowded place you've been to.【老题回库】

  You should say:

  when you went there

  where the place is(was)

  who you went there with

  and explain how you felt about the place.

  Part 3 Questions

  Do you think people enjoy going to crowded places? Why?

  How do you think people should deal with traffic congestion?

  Where is the most crowded place in your city?

  What the governments could do to solve this problem?

  People behave differently in crowded places, why do you think this happens?

  Are amusement facilities important in a city?

  How do you think of the urban construction in America and Europe ?

  In your opinion , what factors should be considered when we're doing urban design?

  Some cities have advanced public transportation, some don't, what do you think?

  Why do you think the traffic situation is more serious? Why do you think people still choose to live in the big city?

  2. Describe a successful small company.【老题回库】

  You should say:

  what company it is

  what this company produces

  how you know about this company and explain why you think this company is successful.

  Part 3 Questions

  In general, what factors do you think determine whether a small company will become successful or not?

  Why do some businesses become successful while others do not?

  Which do you think is better, to start your own business or to work for others?

  Do you think the ownership of the company should be private or state-owned? (or what's the difference between private companies and state-owned companies?)

  Is there a difference between the industrial structure of the past and the present?

  What qualities are required to become a company's leader?

  How could a company get ahead?

  Dose high technology play an important role in a company's development?

  How do you think of charitable organizations?

  Objects 物品

  1. Describe a job you would not like to do.

  2. Describe an interesting animal you've seen. 【老题回库】

  3. Describe a change that could improve your local area.【老题回库】

  4. Describe a performance you enjoyed watching. 【老题回库】

  5. Describe an important a text message you received. 【老题翻新】

  6. Describe an article you read in a magazine or on the Internet that could help people improve their health. 【老题翻新】

  7. Describe a (school or company) uniform you have worn【老题翻新】

  8. Describe a new skill that you though was important. 【老题翻新】

  1. Describe a job you would not like to do.

  You should say:

  what the job is

  how you know it

  whether it is an easy or difficult job

  and explain why you wouldn't like to do.

  Part 3 Questions

  Which do you think is more important when doing a job, the income one gets or the amount interest that one has in the work?

  How do you think AI(artificial intelligence) would affect people's work?

  Do you think it's common for people to other cities for jobs? ?

  When young people choose their jobs, which is more important, salary or interest?

  The technology will make some people lose their jobs, how to deal with it?

  what are the important factors in choosing a career?

  what if there're disagreements between parents and children in choosing jobs?

  Would you like to work/live in other cities?

  Do you think it's common to move to other cities because of jobs?

  2. Describe an interesting animal you've seen. 【老题回库】

  You should say:

  where the animal was

  what happened and explain why you think the animal was interesting.

  Part 3 Questions

  Do you think animal's lives are as important as those for human beings?

  What kinds of things that a pet can bring to a person's life?

  Are there any difficulties when raising pets?

  What jobs do some animals do that can help people?

  Do you often see wild animals?

  In China, would people used horses as a kind of tool?/ do sailors used horses as tool?

  Do you like to watch the animal channel?

  What kinds of animals could be commonly seen in cities? How about in the countryside?

  Some people said that animals in the countryside cause more problems than those in cities, do you think so?

  How do animals bring problems to human?

  Why nowadays more and more people choose to become a vegan?

  3. Describe a change that could improve your local area.【老题回库】

  You should say:

  what the change is ( or it would be )

  how this change could be made

  what problems that cause the need for this change

  and explain how you would feel about this change.(Or how you feel about this change)

  Part 3 Questions

  Is that important to socialize with neighbors?

  (similar to above) how could we socialize with neighbors?

  Events 事件

  1. Describe an experience when someone apologized to you.【老题回库】

  2. Describe a time you didn't use your mobile phone.

  3. Describe something exciting that you did. 【老题翻新】

  4. Describe a journey you took by public transport.【老题回库】

  5. Describe something you didn't do because of the weather.

  6. Describe an important journey that was delayed.

  7. Describe a challenging thing you have done.

  1. Describe an experience when someone apologized to you.【老题回库】

  You should say:

  when this happened

  what happened

  who apologized to you and explain why they apologized to you.

  Part 3 Questions

  In what situations people need to make an apology?

  What do you think of someone who doesn't apology very often?

  Could you tell if someone say apologize when they don't mean it?

  What kinds of people are more likely to say sorry?

  Would you like to make an apology if you had made a mistakes?

  (Similar to above) Do you like to make an apology when you make a mistake?

  2. Describe a time you didn't use your mobile phone.

  You should say:

  when it happened

  where it happened

  what you did

  and explain why you didn't use your mobile phone.

  Part 3 Questions

  Do you think we should set up laws and regulations on the use of mobile phones?

  What do you think of primary school students owning a mobile phone?

  In your opinion, at what age do you think is appropriate for owning a cell phone?



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