Section1 预测重点(5篇)
Section 1
主题提示:志愿者项目咨询Volunteer organisation application1-10) completionName of the applicant: example: Sarah Green1. Address: 63 Mileda Street2. Language skill: French and Chinese3. Will bring the old to go shoppingWhat are her specialsites4. Know how to socialise with people5. License to drive6. Where does she live now: south of river7. Be free only on Wednesday8. Date to start at: 13th June/6.139. Put a mail note on the stairs in front of house10. Where to get the information on the radio
Section 1
主题提示:航空公司求职场景女的给男的介绍空乘工作1-10) completion1. Name: sara Meehan2. Department: recruitment Department3. There are occasional mid-night flights4. Requirement for skills: English and math5. 29 October 干扰项是15 Nov6. Vision 提到要会区分颜色7. Helping customers8. Preparing food9. cultural awareness10. now training of 6 months
Section 1
主题提示:一个woman咨询她住的附近有怎样的library(example: 她住在城市/west part of the courtly)1-10) completion1.Address: library in Skellran Street2.Located next to a park3.Saturday weekday: open at 9am till 4.30 pm女的有两个孩子choose two activities4.一个是4-13岁: drama club5.还一个是所有年龄都可以参加singing every otherSaturday6.妈妈想参加Adult activity, she will meet local artists club7.可以借 various magazines8.她说可不可以borrow CDs 男的说you can borrow film CDs9.可以寄明信片post cards, need to provide the card number10.Wide range has two souvenirs sales, **** and can also buy maps
Section 1
主题提示:驾驶学校的驾照申请Applying a driver's license1-10) completionExampleLooking for driving lessons given during the: weekends1.Address: 67 King's Road2.Location in the testing area of city centre, Located next to a park3.Teacher's name: Allen Sutcliffe4.Popular type of car on roads gear type: automatic5.Practice during the night6.Had better: good weather7.Obtain certificate: to get a driving license8.Final test fee: $509.Duration of test approximately 30 minutes10.More advice: must keep a driving diary
Section 1
主题提示:登报卖二手电脑桌A man calls a newspaper to sell his computer desk1-3) completing the form1.Address: 124 green street2.Phone number: 654 78903.On 'goods for sale' section4-5) choose the correct letter4. Woman: why do you choose your companyA. a relative'ssuccessful experienceB.cheap5.What type of furniture is the deskA.Antique furnitureB.Home furnitureC. Office furniture6-10) complete the form6.Heading of the advertisement: Bargain7.Future of the desk: it has a printer shelf8.Condition of the desk: excellent9.The price of the desk: $9910.Fare of the advertisement: $6
Section2 预测重点(5篇)
Section 2
主题:澳洲动物园11-16) MapMatching
11 Monkey Zone (猴子区;最左下方;underneath gorilla) –A 12 Insects (昆虫区;one is next to the shop; one located at southeast) – C13暂缺14 Snake House (蛇屋;shared with a given area) –F 15 Kangaroo Area (长颈鹿区;it is between the lake and Bear Section) – B 16 Tiger (老虎区;biggest on the right one; is the middle of the three big place on the top) –H17-20) MatchingA prize/awardwinnerB occurannuallyC have a freetoyDinternationally foundedE give awaymonkeyF restart thisyearG book inadvance17 Zoo Evening(动物园之夜) – A (prize/award winner奖品获得者)18 Artistic Festival (艺术节) -F (今年重开)19 Zoo Twilight(动物园暮光) – B (每年都会发生)20 Birthday Gale (生日突发) – C (得到一个免费的玩具)
Section 2
11-20) Completion
11 There are 90 shops including two department stores in this shopping centre.
12 There are over 800 covered car parking positions.
13 There are information available for public transport.
14 It also has service of finding lost children.
Activity Purpose
Fashion Show
15 from Tuesday to Saturday
16 Summer clothes for beach
17 Dance Show
18 Aim at teenagers
If joining in the shipping centre, kids can have
19 Their own wallet
20 a discount card on birthday
Section 2
11-15) Map Matching
11 library - I12 playground – C13 car park - A14 new building -G15 new classroom - E16-20) MatchingA Ms SmithB Dr WilsonC Mr TilmanD Ms BanksE Mrs MarkF Ms EdwardG Mr Thomas16 If students still have bad behaviours,take them to – E17 For strict problems, ask – E
18 Drop out of school, see – G
19 If problems have been solved, see – B
20 Make up lessons, see – I
Section 2
11-14) Map Matching
11 rocks – B12 natural reserve – C13 factory – F14 forest – G15-20) Multiple Choice15 What kind of warning in the route will you receive?A暂缺B暂缺C there will be animals on theway16 What is true about the Elmensdan Station?A it is more modernisedB it is recently openedC暂缺17 What you can do in the visitor centre?A hiring a bikeB getting refreshmentC learning local culture18 What if you want to commute from XXXto XXX?A book in advanceB come during weekendsC暂缺19 What about the trip to XXX?A could take a long timeB waterfall is inaccessibleC must get in on foot20 What should you get further information to attend cycling?A listen to the radioB visit the station websiteC read local newspaper
Section 2
主题:电台介绍叫做“Connection”的一个寄宿家庭项目11-14) Multiple Choice11 In the homestay program, the hostfamily willA be given a little moneyB receive no payC can apply for expenses compensation12 “Connections” is for people from other countries whoA are looking for temporary workB is difficult to make friendsC can offer language support13 What can the guests do if they want to become familiar with host families?A talk about personal mattersB explain their own family cultureC cook together with hosts14 What is likely to happen to the guests in the long run?A an increased understanding between culturesB a programme of weekly visitsC more involvement from people of different communities15-20) Flow Chart MatchingHow to apply for a homestayVisit the website and contact the adviser↓Keep in touch with the 15 vetting↓Send in some documents to confirm your 16 identity↓Provide two photos, one for the host family, another for 17 records↓Receive 18 acknowledgement within seven workdays↓Have a(n) 19 interview with a staff↓Receive final 20 decision in writing
Section3 预测重点(5篇)
主题提示: UK Bee Research
主题提示: 两个学生和教授讨论实习旅行的地理研究报告
主题提示: 农业政策和其影响的课题研究
主题提示: Paul's tutorial
主题提示: 单词教学
Section 3
主题提示: UK Bee Research
21-26) Multiple choice questions
21.what is the bee hive look live on the picture?
A nursery B factory C home
22.what do they think of the bee smell?
A It's a method of social communication
B It's better than taste
C it can detect danger
23.What should be further discussed in the presentation?
A factors caused the decline of bee population to present the research to the audience?
A video B quiz(not interested in it) C bee equipment
25.which part ofthe presentation should be improved?
A layout of the research report(structure)
B background knowledge
C communication with audience
26.what should be additions the report?
B the influence of bee to city economy
27-30) Matching
27.Asian Bee-effective
28.Vanguard bee-can be safety used in all equipment bee available anywhere
30.xxxx bee-can be used in any condition
Section 3
A discussion between a teacher and two students (peter and Natasha) about school biology research trip to the Bear lake research
A definitely present
B possibly present
C will not present
配对题,但题干顺序和答案not 100% sure的
21)preflood soil mud,----C
22)evidence of village----A
25)animal trace of different size and shape----B possibly present
26-30)Multiple choices
26.Fiona and **** are unsure about the…?
A what topic to be chosen
B length of the presentation
C research methods
D amount research
27.the best way to get the information for the predicting presentation is
A state surveys B internet C journals
28.what does the boy mostly concern about
B show a wind range of resource
C misinterpret the supporting data
29.wha tare area which can not be focused on
A mud in any tracks
B soil with water on the mud surface
C sand in to take note?
A comparison with other students' note
B every performance
C details of the site on the note
Section 3
主题提示:农业政策和其影响的课题研究Policies to new developments in agriculture21-26 multiple choices21.What does teacher advise Joel to include in the titleA the location of the farms22.What has Joel want to do in the interviewsB to get a complete answers23.How will Joel investigate the influence of ****A by showing them a series of pictures24.Concerning government policies on farmers, the speakers agree thatB it is often irrelevant for farmers' actually want25.According to Joel's reading, farmersC are not willing to spend money26.A survey of Australian found that most of themB make changes based on limited research27-30 MatchingBooks27第1本书 选It's very boring28第2本书 选 It's badly organized29第3本书 选 It's inaccurate 30第4本书 How to *** Farming 选 It's out of date
Section 3
主题提示: Paul's tutorial学生Paul参加一个女老师意见的教学反馈21- 25) Multiple choices21.是tutor认为男生的 topic很特别选择题 BCACA第一个怎么手机数据选B tape-recording22.tutor建议男生应该选择 C involve more respondents更多的人去调查23.男生获得 useful topic materials given by tutors的途径?A websiteB 是运用APPC 从seminar classD journal24.employer什么情况下同意员工flexible work hour?C meet a requirement this term25.下个学期(next semester)什么让学生 excited?A prospect of learning new things focuson particular areaB learn in a different way26-30) Matching老师讲座的内容题目给了6个选项26.Friday morning: career opportunity just for graduate27.Saturday morning: raise your question提出你的问题并发布28.Saturday Afternoon: how to attend an interview面试29.Saturday evening: personal statement and resume简历和陈述30.Sunday morning:publish an article问题的解决 原文是: print thepaper
Section 3
主题提示:单词教学vocabulary learning21-26)Multiple choice21.the common among all participants? 参与者的共同点B same level of language ability语言水平一致22.what should pay attention to for methodA avoid statistics23.what the major difference between the TWO researches?C the second research has no interviewee24.what the participants(kids) should learn in the first stage?A know the words but to not know how to use25.why they would apply the special words series?A Interviewees had never seen before26.what the recommended subject for next step?Anoun Bphrases C translation27-30) Matching配对题27.introduction…………D should be shorter28.dataanalysis ……………A referring to related materials29.methodology………………B be more critically thinking30.conclusion…………C has appeared in multiple parts
Section4 预测重点 (5篇)
主题提示: 蜜蜂和无人机的设计
主题提示: 澳洲鸸鹋
主题提示: 一种棕榈树
主题提示: 毛利人的纹身
主题提示: 语言的起源
Section 4
蜜蜂和无人机的设计Bee and pilotless aircraft31. be used safely in extreme weathe rand chemical32. working to monitor agriculture33. explore the new planet34. horizon35. need good vision36. bees has asmall brain37. in a large room, they calculate distanceUse method:38. put an image in front of the pit39. can change face in wind40. different slightly in colour in the photograph of sky
Section 4
澳洲鸸鹋Emus in Australia31. Emu's skin can be used for luxurious use, making expensive items32. Emu lived inmost areas of Australia, apart from the grassland33. Oil to produce lighting paint34. feathers can be making into decoration for the hat of Australian soldiers35. Emu's produce sound like songs36. eggs are research subject used by scientists for their field work37. their feet has special features that can walk on damp swamp38. legal difficulties in export to new Market such as India, China39. for past hundreds of years, hunting is allowed40. medically, to treat problem especially in digestion
Section 4
一种棕榈树The long palm 31. has fruit like coconut32. use stones to climb a tree33. keep their tools to a belt34. it can be made into sugar35. juice become sour if left for days36. as garden fertilizer37. sounds like a harp playing music38. for brightly decorated hats worn at a celebration39. is used to make ropes40. is used in the construction of houses
Section 4
毛利人的纹身Tattoo for Maoripeople31. paint come from such as stone32. show Maori people status33. imported paint 34. 做一个比较简单的篮子用作 storage35. decoration gifts36. and for hunting37. 风筝用在战争时期被当作signal38. Maori women faces tattoo39. prepare for storms40. honouring their ancestors
Section 4
语言的起源Invention aworldwide language31. for religious purpose or trade32. people need aprecise language about science33. each word of his language was based on a picture 34. also to base language on numbers35. ancient people used songs to help understand his new language36. a letter to his friends to advertise his language37. to make words negative38. children in a hospital learned to read in new languageConclusion39. this language cannot tell emotions40. invented by writers just for entertainment
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