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  1. Are there many street markets in China?

  Yes, there are many street markets in China, and particularly in some small and medium sized cities. In these markets, many products such as vegetables, meats and eggs are on sale, and people can enjoy cheaper prices and better quality. For this reason, street markets in China are quite popular.

  2. Do you often go to the supermarket?

  Yes, I do go to the supermarket often. Compared to street markets or convenience stores, I prefer going to supermarkets mainly because in market, I am provided with more varieties of products to choose from, and I really enjoy exploring in the supermarket searching for my best choice.

  3. What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

  From my understanding, I think one of the greatest differences between street markets and supermarkets lies in the amounts of products available. For example, in supermarkets, there are always a huge sum of products that are available to choose from, while only a limited number of products are being sold in street markets.

  4. What do street markets sell?

  Well, they sell all kinds of things! As long as you intend to buy certain products, you can always find a good deal in street markets. In particular, I deem that vegetables with pretty high quality are sold in street markets, and they are usually cheaper compared to those sold in supermarkets.



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