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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  You should say:

  What the problem was

  How you solved this problem

  How long it took to solve this problem

  And how you felt about it

  Part 3

  What do people do online in their free time?

  What impacts does the Internet have on schools?

  Do you think many people waste their time online?

  What can people do with the Internet in the future?And how?


  Well, Google has a solution for every problem. People always take benefits of it and I'm not an exception to that. I'd like to talk about a problem which I fixed using the Internet just last week. I had a problem with installing an app, WhatsApp, on my mobile phone.

  First I asked a few of my friends to fix it come; however, it didn't help out. Then I had come across a website when I was searching for the issue on google. Because the web page had lots of positive comments for the same problem, I have seen light at the end of the tunnel. It had step by step solution about how to install the WhatsApp on iPhone.

  I followed the steps exactly given on the page, which took approximately 10-12 minutes for downloading and installing the WhatsApp. This wasn't normal time though, perhaps my Internet connection was considerably slow. Finally, I manage to successfully install the WhatsApp on my smartphone.

  Overall, I have developed a feeling that we could any issues online because it is the ocean of information and knowledge. Now I think I can always count the Internet for solving for technical issues. I felt satisfied after my issue solved online.


  What do people do online in their free time?

  Learn from literally thousands of options, a lot of which are free. Knowledge is power after all, especially unnecessary knowledge!

  Photoshop pictures online using Pixlr.No need to sign up or anything, just go on and manipulate your photos and make your friends look fat.It's a classic!

  What impacts does the Internet have on schools?

  Possibly the most obvious and important technological impact on schools would be the global access to education; the Internet has virtually eliminated geographical and time isolation across the globe. Students from around the world can now have access to education instantly at their own convenience, thus eliminating the rigidity of the traditional brick-and-mortar education model.

  Another impact is reduced cost in running schools. Modern technology has eliminated costly infrastructure, such as a library, classrooms and dormitories. Similar to MOOCs, one teacher can teach an unlimited number of students via online courses; similarly, different libraries can form a consortium and become an ebrary or cybrary, allowing member students access.

  Do you think many people waste their time online?

  While it's important to stay focused 95 percent of the time so you can deliver your best work, here's a secret most productivity hacks won't let you in on: some distraction is actually good for you.

  What can people do with the Internet in the future? And how?

  Smart services, which use artificial intelligence to help us better manage our workloads, will likely contribute to a less cluttered, more streamlined online world where email overload and scheduling headaches are a thing of the past.



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