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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  1. Are girls generally good at mathematics?

  I do not think so. From my experience interacting with girls, I believe that compared to boys, girls tend to perform better in arts subjects, such as languages, social sciences and so on. However, they usually perform worse in mathematics and science subjects.

  2. Do you often use a calculator?

  Well, I'd like to use a calculator. You know, I am not a student of primary school or middle school any more. And I often come up with complex computation like cubic root computation. Impossible to calculate by myself! So I use it!

  3. Do you think it is difficult to learn mathematics well?

  Definitely yes. Despite that I am a boy and I have always been expected to master mathematics well, I am quite bad at it and have to spend way more hours learning it and doing exercise. So I do believe it is difficult to learn, especially if you want to learn it very well.

  4. Do you think mathematics is important?

  Yes, for sure. Although for some people, myself included, learning mathematics is difficult and challenging, it is very important since the modern world is built on it. As you can see, mathematics is used in economics, scientific experiments and so on, which serves as the foundation of our civilization.



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