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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  1. A person you know who is good at foreign language(5月新题 旧题回库)

  2. A person who encouraged you to achieve a goal(5月新题 全新题)

  Who he or she is

  What this person encouraged you to do

  And explain why this encouragement helped you to achieve the goal.

  3. A good-looking person(5月新题 旧题回库)

  4. A person who has interesting ideas(5月新题 旧题改编)

  5. A foreign celebrity you want to meet(5月新题 旧题改编)

  6. A singer you like(5月新题 旧题回库)

  7. A person you know who helps to protect the environment

  8. Someone you would like to study or work with

  9. An intelligent person you know

  10. A teenager you know

  11. A person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up


  1. A place you wanted to travel to(5月新题 旧题回库)

  2. A historical building(5月新题 旧题回库)

  3. An ideal house

  4. An interesting part of your country


  1. A time when you invited your friends or family members for dinner at home or in a restaurant (5月新题 旧题改编)

  2. A time when you got up early(5月新题 旧题回库)

  3. An occasion when you received incorrect information(5月新题 全新题)

  4. A time when you received a call from someone you do not know in the public place (5月新题 全新题)

  5. An experience you solved the problem via internet (5月新题 全新题)

  6. An occasion you showed something new to younger people (5月新题 全新题)

  7. A piece of good news you heard (from TV or the Internet)

  8. A time when you made a complaint andwere satisfied with the result

  9. A party you attended before

  10. An occasion when a home appliance broke down or stopped working.

  11. An occasion you borrowed something from friends or family members

  12. A time you received terrible service

  13. A free day off study or work



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