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雅思口语part2新题预测:Event & Experiences

雅思口语part2新题预测:Event & Experiences

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Part 2 高频新题:A time when you invited your friends or family members for dinner at home or in the restaurant, 此题属于旧题改编题,以前考过的类似话题是a special meal, a dinner you had with your friends. 另外,人物类话题中的A singer you like,出现的频次也很高,不过难度不大。


  1. 回库题。在上一个口语换题季内没有考,但是往年考过,是旧题回库。

  2. 旧题改编。以前出过类似的话题,在之前题目基础上进行了改变,跟旧题不完全一样。

  3. 全新题。以前雅思口语考试中完全没有出现过的话题。

  3. 全新题。以前雅思口语考试中完全没有出现过的话题。


  Event & Experiences

  1. A time when you invited your friends or family members for dinner at home or in a restaurant (5月新题 旧题改编)

  2. A time when you got up early (5月新题 旧题回库)

  3. An occasion when you received incorrect information (5月新题 全新题)

  4. A time when you received a call from someone you do not know in the public place (5月新题 全新题)

  5. An experience you solved the problem via internet ( 5月新题 全新题)

  6. An occasion you showed something new to younger people ( 5月新题 全新题)

  7. A piece of good news you heard (from TV or the Internet)

  8. A time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result

  9. A party you attended before

  10. An occasion when a home appliance broke down or stopped working.

  11. An occasion you borrowed something from friends or family members

  12. A time you received terrible service

  13. A free day off study or work



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