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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  5月为2019年第二个雅思口语换题季,有部分参加5月4日雅思考试的同学口试安排在4月29日和4月30日这两天,新题跟着考试日期走,所以这两天陆续有新题出现。一般而言,口语换题季,会有40%左右的旧题从上一季的口语题库中删除,加入新的口语话题。总体来讲,这两天出现的口语新题较多,尤其是part 2 部分。但是从目前爆出的口语新题来看,全新题很少,大部分新题为旧题回库题,即往年出现过的口语旧题。以下为高频话题,请大家重点关注:


  (1) Part 1 高频新题:有book, being punctual, smile, perfume以及rubbish。其中smile, perfume 以及rubbish属于全新题,但并不算难题。film star和area you live in这两个话题是上一季度的旧题,出现的频次较高,大家要重点关注。

  (2) Part 2 高频新题:A time when you invited your friends or family members for dinner at home or in the restaurant, 此题属于旧题改编题,以前考过的类似话题是a special meal, a dinner you had with your friends. 另外,人物类话题中的A singer you like,出现的频次也很高,不过难度不大。


  1. 回库题。在上一个口语换题季内没有考,但是往年考过,是旧题回库。

  2. 旧题改编。以前出过类似的话题,在之前题目基础上进行了改变,跟旧题不完全一样。

  3. 全新题。以前雅思口语考试中完全没有出现过的话题。


  PART 1

  1. Study/Work(常规必考题)

  2. Accommodation(常规必考题)

  3. Hometown(常规必考题)

  4. Books(5月新题旧题回库)

  5. Social Variety(5月新题待确认)

  6. Smile(5月全新题)

  When do people smile to others?

  Do you smile when someone takes photos for you?

  Can you feel it when someone’s smile is fake?

  7. Perfume(5月新题全新题)

  Do you like perfume?

  Do you use perfume as a gift ?

  8. Time management / Being punctual(5月新题旧题回库)

  9. Rubbish (5月新题全新)

  10. Film Star

  11. Sky

  12. Tea or Coffee

  13. Music / Concerts

  14. Films / Movies

  15. Crowded place

  16. Parks / Gardens

  17. Sports / Physical exercise

  18. Cooking

  19. Colours

  20. Transport

  21. Sharing

  22. Shoes

  23. Weather / Seasons

  24. Photos

  25. Animal (Pets)

  26. Email / Letters

  27. Public Holiday / Holiday

  28. Patience

  29. Sleep

  30. Handwriting

  31. Drinking water

  32. The area you live in

  33. Drawing / Paintings

  34. Sunglasses

  ◆ ◆ ◆  ◆ ◆

  PART 2


  1. A person you know who is good at foreign language(5月新题 旧题回库)

  2. A person who encouraged you to achieve a goal(5月新题 全新题)

  Who he or she is

  What this person encouraged you to do

  And explain why this encouragement helped you to achieve the goal.

  3. A good-looking person(5月新题 旧题回库)

  4. A person who has interesting ideas(5月新题 旧题改编)

  5. A foreign celebrity you want to meet(5月新题 旧题改编)

  6. A singer you like(5月新题 旧题回库)

  7. A person you know who helps to protect the environment

  8. Someone you would like to study or work with

  9. An intelligent person you know

  10. A teenager you know

  11. A person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up


  1. A place you wanted to travel to (5月新题 旧题回库)

  2. A historical building (5月新题 旧题回库)

  3. An ideal house

  4. An interesting part of your country

  Event & Experiences

  1. A time when you invited your friends or family members for dinner at home or in a restaurant (5月新题 旧题改编)

  2. A time when you got up early (5月新题  旧题回库)

  3. An occasion when you received incorrect information  (5月新题 全新题)

  4. A time when you received a call from someone you do not know in the public place (5月新题 全新题)

  5. An experience you solved the problem via internet (5月新题 全新题)

  6. An occasion you showed something new to younger people (5月新题 全新题)

  7. A piece of good news you heard (from TV or the Internet)

  8. A time when you made a complaint andwere satisfied with the result

  9. A party you attended before

  10. An occasion when a home appliance broke down or stopped working.

  11. An occasion you borrowed something from friends or family members

  12. A time you received terrible service

  13. A free day off study or work


  1. A prize you want to get (5月新题)

  2. Something you bought but rarely use now

  3. A book you recently read

  4. A kind of food people eat during a special event

  5. A game (not a sport) you enjoyed when you were a child

  6. Something lost by others but found by you

  7. An important plant in your country


  1. A quiz program or game show on TV(5月新题 旧题改编)

  2. An important decision you made withthe help of others

  3. A piece of good news you heard

  4. A good law in your country

  5. A subject you used to dislike but now have interest in

  6. An outdoor sport you played for the first time

  7. An activity you do when you are alone in your free time

  8. A job that was done by your grandparents

  9. A sport you want to try that you have watched before

  10. A skill that took you a long time to learn

  11. A second foreign language you would like to learn



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