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  1. Some people believe countries have moral obligation to help each other; others worry about the aid money cannot get to the poor of this world. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

  When it comes to the issue about how to support developing countries, some people may argue that developed countries should be morally obligated to provide poor countries with monetary assistance, but others believe that that money cannot be really delivered to the people in need.

  On one hand, governments of rich countries should be moral to offer impoverished countries support since it could contribute to the world peace. In those remote and poor areas, residents may suffer from various kinds of diseases, as well as poverty. If there are no external funds for them, many people may die inevitably without food supply and medical service. In order to save more poor and ill individuals, the authority of rich countries should take this moral responsibility.

  On the other hand, a lot of money cannot be sent to the poor of the world due to the immaturity of institutions in those poor countries. In developed countries, there are usually strict regulations about how charitable funding should be utilized. However, for those poverty-stricken countries, their institutions may not cover every aspect, due to which some money may be corrupted by some officials through some illegal channels. Thus, even if some funding is transferred to poor countries, their officials may be an obstacle for better utilizing funding.

  From my own perspective, it may be unrealistic for developing countries to solely rely on the charity from developed countries, and governments of poor countries also need to take some actions. For example, the process of using money from outsiders should be more transparent for better supervision by citizens. Besides, there could be more varieties of assistance from developed countries, including resource and technological assistance, with which those countries in need could develop the economy in a faster pace.

  2. Some scientists believe intelligent life forms may exist in other planets and some want to send messages to the space to contact with these life forms. But other scientists believe it is a bad idea and it could be dangerous. Discuss both ideas and give your own opinion.

  Since human beings have existed in the Earth for millions of years, some scientists are curious about other intelligent forms in the universe. Some scientists attempt to communicate with these life forms. However, others believe it would be hazardous. In the following essay, both views will be explored as well as my personal stance.

  On one hand, many scientists and evidence has proved that humans are definitely not the only creature in the universe, so contacting these intelligent life forms could be demanding. Specifically, other life forms also existed on other planets; some of them even have visited the Earth. For example, about several decades ago, an UFO has visited a small town of America, and they did not attack the humans. They could have destroyed the Earth if they had despicable plans. Therefore, contacting with these unknown creatures could help us to know the outer space better, so it would be beneficial for the humans to try to contact with these aliens.

  In stark contrast, some other scientists believe that contacting with life forms would bring danger to the humans because we barely know them. To be precise, some scientists believe that these intelligent life forms could be smarter than us, and have more advanced technologies, people cannot win the war if they invade the Earth. Take films as example, as it describes in Independence Day, aliens invaded the Earth as they were aiming at the sufficient natural resources on earth and it is totally for their own interest. Their attack caused huge damage to the earth as human beings have no advanced weapon to fight back.

  In my opinion, even getting in touch with aliens could bring dangers to humans, it is still worth trying as I believe the majority of them are seeking for peace of the whole universe and hostility is barely carried. Looking for other creatures in the vast universe is a big step for humans to explore the outer space. It could be a double-sword, bringing both opportunities and challenges. Whether aliens are dangerous dose not truly matter under this circumstance, what is more important is that earthman, us, have the ability and courage to take adventures in the unknown space and meet something new.

  3. Older people who need employment have to compete with younger people. What problems will be caused? And what are the solutions?

  It is true that a growing number of young adults are faced with increasing competition from the elderly in the workplace. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, we can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.

  Some related problems can be anticipated. The main issue is that more young employees are likely to suffer unemployment. This is because young employees are relatively restricted in terms of work experience and communication skills, compared with those experienced workers. Therefore, employers prefer to recruit older people with higher working efficiency rather than those who just graduate from the university. In addition, without a decent job and salary, it is extremely difficult for young people to make a living and raise their families, and this poses a threat to social stability since some of them might commit a crime to make a fast buck.

  Personally, I feel that governments and academic institutions should work hand in hand to tackle this issue. Most elders of retirement age, especially those living in industrialized countries receive a pension monthly, so there is no need for them to seek a job. In other words, the government should allocate more money to pension system, which can basically guarantee the basic needs of most elders. Besides that, education system should update the curriculum used currently and design more career-oriented courses for job hunters. By doing this, young people can become more competitive in the job market.

  In conclusion, I am in the camp that more steps can be taken to improve the wellbeing of the two generations.



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