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2019年1月12日雅思听力大范围预测:Section Three

2019年1月12日雅思听力大范围预测:Section Three

作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享

  Section3 预测重点(5篇)

  三种人性格 thinkers, innovators and doers.

  男女学生(Penny and Cosmo) 关于课程与专业选择(course selection)的学术讨论。


  大学里的工作室 discussion of a workshop in college

  小孩看电视习惯研究 A conversation between two students on an assignment for how long should children watch TV.

  Section 3

  场景:三种人性格 thinkers, innovators and doers



  21. experts said that thinkers

  B. take long time to make decisions

  22. what should innovators have?

  B. have good instincts

  23. Eric says people in their class are

  B. thinkers(they desire to be innovators, but in face they are who collect and analyse data.)

  24. Alice says that what she will improve is to

  C. participate more in group discussions

  26. Alice and Eric agree that in the future, the workshop

  A. should be in an earlier

  27-28)which two things of case studies to be difficult?

  B. know when to avoid the safest potion(Is necessary the best to be the safest)

  C. compare a number of possible solutions

  29-30)which two skills are to be focus on

  A. finding weakness in other arguments

  B. provide evidence for their arguments

  C. deal with the opposition(go back down on others)

  D. persuade others

  场景:男女学生(Penny and Cosmo) 关于课程与专业选择(course selection)的学术讨论



  21-25)Multiple Choices

  21. why does penny recommend a three-year placement?

  A. students can focus on research

  B. most students choose it

  C. students can choose where to do the placement


  22. what made Penny apply for one particular university?

  A. the attractiveness of the course close to home

  B. the prospect of graduate employment great employment

  C. the reputation of the university

  23. what did Cosmo worry about? he was mostly concerned at

  A. whether he had enough working experience

  B. whether he could get higher score

  C. whether he studied in the wrong subject


  24. what is Cosmo’s purpose of studying abroad?

  A. to meet different people

  B. to be more independent

  C. to widen academic experience


  25. what was Penny aim in her dissertation?

  A. explored both views from the debate


  B. better understood the subject

  C. knew about the fact

  26-30)Matching 5个论文题目

  A. assessed by the dissertation

  B. is mainly online

  C. deliver two terms

  D. the most popular of the optional module

  E. hard to sign up

  F. share with students from other courses

  G. assessed by laboratory report

  27. Green Technology-F

  required also by other majors

  28. Enterprise-B(Upload with computer)

  29. Bio course-D(很多学生做这个)

  30. Final-G

  场景:男生(James)女生(Amanda)和导师关于两本书的评价 They are discussing the characteristics of two books. A female teacher is asking a male and a female student what books they have read.



  场景:大学里的工作室 discussion of a workshop in college



  21-24)Multiple Choices

  21. this centre is open for

  C. all students in the university(tapes: next year for public)

  22. membership charge $20 valid for

  B. for attending workshop

  23. computer room should be reserved in advance because

  A. seating capacity is limited(there is not enough room)

  B. need book teacher

  24. job responsibility

  B. weekly emails update


  25. go to ask information from reception staff

  26. evening classes are for part-time students

  27-30)Table Completion

  27. learn academic writing

  28. required to make presentation

  29. subject: summer school

  30. we should learn study skills

  场景:小孩看电视习惯研究 A conversation between two students on an assignment for how long should children watch TV.



  21-24)Multiple Choices

  21. children, who are watching moderate amount of TV, will perform:

  A. have poor school result

  B. as well as active viewers

  C. better than children who watch TV a lot


  22. kids of which professionals watch most of TV:

  A. parents are office professional (academic)

  B. parents are manufacturing sector workers

  C. parents who are unemployed

  23. children only can be allowed to watch adult programme whem

  A. children become mature enough 孩子足够成熟 mixed and clear mind

  B. parents should join kids watching TV and discuss with them


  C. parents watch first and making judgment before

  24. the influence of watching TV on kids is

  A. one of the major influences

  B. influence more than their parents

  C. not obvious at the initial stages

  25-26)Multiple Choices

  In which two ways actually valid as does the research inficate that the TV watching will influence children

  A. in affects their eyes

  B. it causes a lot of psychological problems

  C. it results in poor performance in school

  D. in distracts attention

  Dispersed, negative to concentration, cause concertration panic 注意力影响

  E. it results in reading fewer books enlarge their vocabulary


  A. use existing research;

  B. do more research;

  C. not cover this topic now

  27. for family background (parents job)-A

  28. Children’s preference as in difference in age or sex groups-B

  29. for TV programs content-A

  30. for religious research-C



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