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2019年1月雅思口语part 1高频新题及答案

2019年1月雅思口语part 1高频新题及答案

作者:-- 来源:新东方在线 点击量: 分享

  2019年1月雅思口语新题陆续爆出,part 1出现了一些全新题以及往年的旧题回库题。特邀前雅思口语考官撰写两个高频part 1话题的答案:Film stars和festivals。大家可以认真研读考官的答案,特别是后面的分析,看看得分点在哪儿,这样便于大家后期按照题库参考考官思路准备答案。

  1. Film stars


  新旧情况:旧题回库; part 2变part 1

  相关词汇:domestic films国内电影;imported films国外电影;filmgoers影迷; blockbusters大片

  (1)Who is your favorite film star?

  Actually I wouldn't say that I have one particular favourite, and if I'm completely honest I'd have to say that I don't really pay much attention to film stars' names or who they are and that kind of thing, I just like watching good films I'm not really bothered about who the actors or actresses are.

  分析: 此题回答难度不大,可以正面回答最喜欢的电影明星是谁,然后拓展一下此明星的背景、参演的电影以及你为什么喜欢ta。也可以参考前考官的答案, 直接说没有最喜欢的电影明星。

  加分词汇:Actually; particular.

  地道表达:if I'm completely honest……坦诚说….;I'm not really bothered about…并不介意….

  (2)Are film stars from overseas famous in your country?

  I think young people might be quite into film stars from overseas because they tend to watch more international films and especially Hollywood blockbusters and things like that; older filmgoers are a bit different though, they probably prefer watching domestic films rather than imported films so older cinema fans are less likely to know foreign film stars.


  加分词汇: blockbusters大片;filmgoers影迷, 常看电影的人;

  地道表达:be into…喜欢;

  加分短语:tend to; be likely to;domestic films国内电影; imported films国外电影; prefer…rather than….

  (3)Which do you prefer, international film stars or film stars from your country?

  As I said earlier I don't pay much attention to film stars but If I had to choose I'd probably pick someone from my own country simply because I'd be more likely to see that person in the media, you know like being interviewed on chat shows so I'd be more familiar with that person.


  加分词汇: probably;simply

  地道表达:chat shows访谈节目;

  加分短语:be familiar with….;be likely to…..

  2. Festivals


  新旧情况:旧题回库。part 2变part 1

  相关词汇:spring festival 春节; Lunar New Year's Eve除夕; the Lantern Festival元宵节;Spring Festival Gala春节联欢晚会;spring festival couplets春联

  (1)What is your favorite festival?

  Just like most Chinese people, my favourite festival is Spring Festival, which is also known as Chinese New Year. It's the main one in my country and most people have quite a nostalgic connection to it, so yeah without doubt, Spring Festival is my favourite.

  分析:此题难度水平较低,主要是要掌握中国各类节日的英语表达。The Dragon Boat Festival端午节;Double Ninth Festival重阳节;Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节;National Day国庆节。

  加分词汇: nostalgic怀旧的;乡愁的;

  地道表达:without doubt; be known as…..

  (2)How do you celebrate this festival?

  Well typically in my country this festival is all about spending time with family so we all congregate at a relative's home and spend one or two days there eating home-cooked food and just chatting up with each other. The main focus of the festival is being with family so that's precisely what we do – spend time with our relatives.


  加分词汇:typically; congregate聚集;precisely

  地道表达:home-cooked food; chat up聊天

  (3) Do you celebrate festivals from other countries?

  There are certain festivals such as Christmas and Halloween, and we sometimes have parties with friends to mark these festivals but we don't really celebrate them in the same way that we celebrate festivals from our own country, we don't take them very seriously they are just an excuse to have a party.


  地道表达:certain festivals;mark these festivals度过此节日,庆祝此节日。

  加分语法:in the same way that…..that引导的方式状语

  (4)Where do people usually go during festivals?

  As I mentioned before, for almost every Chinese festival we traditionally spend time at home with family. But in recent years this habit is shifting slightly – young people are increasingly choosing to spend festivals abroad, travelling on holiday. I think this is because they see festivals as time-off work so it's a perfect opportunity to go travelling. So a lot of younger adults go travelling but older people will still opt for spending time with family.


  加分词汇: traditionally;shifting slightly有所改变;increasingly。

  地道表达:As I mentioned before(这个是很好的discourse marker话语标记语, 雅思口语评分标准里有此要求,大家要学会使用);time-off work休假时间;opt for选择



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