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作者:-- 来源:新东方在线 点击量: 分享


  (1)Part 1 高频新题有film star, tea and coffee,sky, crowded place. film star, 此题属于part 2考过的话题,现在出现在part 1中。其次是tea and coffee, 此题属于全新题,但并不算难题。Sky和crowded place这两个话题是旧题回库题,出现的频次较高,大家要重点关注。Part 1 高频出现的旧题有cooking,sleep,parks, sunglasses, shoes等。

  (2) Part 2 高频新题:A good-looking person you meet,An occasion that you found something someone lost,An occasion when someone did not tell you the complete truth等,这些题大部分是往年的旧题回库题。

  Part 2高频旧题: An occasion you borrowed something from friends or family members; a good law; A historical period of time that you are interested in.


  1. 回库题。在上一个口语换题季内没有考,但是往年考过,是旧题回库。

  2. 旧题改编。以前出过类似的话题,在之前题目基础上进行了改变,跟旧题不完全一样。

  u 注:红色为必备话题;蓝色为本季新题;黑色为保留旧题。


  1. Study/ Work(常规必考题)

  2. Accommodation(常规必考题)

  3. Hometown(常规必考题)

  4. Tea or coffee (1月新题)

  What do Chinese people prefer, tea or coffee?

  What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee?

  When did you drank coffee or tea last time?

  5. Film star (1月新题)

  Who is your favorite film star?

  Do you think that international film star is famous in China?

  Do you like Chinese film star or international film star?

  6. Festival ( 1月新题 旧题回库)

  What is your favorite festival?

  How do you celebrate the festival?

  What is the most popular Chinese festival?

  Do you like western festivals?

  Where do people usually go during festivals?

  7. Crowded place (1月新题 回库题)

  8. Concerts or music (1月新题骨灰级口语旧题 回库题)

  Do you often listen to music?

  When do you listen to music?

  Have you ever been to concerts?

  9. Swimming (1月新题 回库题)

  10. Patience (1月新题 回库题)

  11. Dance (1月新题 回库题)

  12. Driving (1月新题 回库题)

  13. Sky (1月新题 回库题)

  14. Running (1月新题)

  Where do you run?

  How often do you run?

  Is running a good exercise?

  Do you run more now than you did you in the past?

  15. Sharing (1月新题)

  What do you like to share?

  What kinds of things that are not suitable for sharing?

  16. Cinema (1月新题 回库题)

  How often do you go to cinema?

  Did you go to cinema in your childhood?

  17. Animal (Pets)

  18. Handwriting

  19. Email

  20. Friends

  21. Seasons

  22. Colour

  23. Sleep

  24. Holiday

  25. Shoes

  26. Drinking water

  27. Sports

  28. Morning routine

  29. Parks/ Gardens

  30. Cooking

  31. Transportation

  32. Drawing/ Paintings

  33. Sunglasses

  34. Photos

  PART 2


  1. A good-looking person you meet (1月新题 回库题)

  2. An intelligent person (1月新题 回库题)

  3. Someone you would like to work with or study with (1月新题)

  4. An interesting person you met

  5. Your favorite celebrity

  6. Someone you haven't met before but you would like to know more

  7. A teenager you know

  8. Someone you haven't met before but you would like to know more


  1. The part of your country you think is interesting (1月新题待进一步确认)

  2. A place you often go for studying or working

  Event & Experiences

  1. An experience you received bad service (1月新题)

  2. An interesting talk (1月新题回库题)

  3. An occasion when you were cheated (1月新题)

  4. An occasion when someone did not tell you the complete truth (1月新题 回库题)

  5. An occasion when you had problems when using an equipment (1月新题)

  6. A success your friend made which is important to him or her (1月新题 回库题)

  7. An occasion that you found something someone lost (1月新题)

  8. A time when someone gave you money as a gift

  9. An occasion you borrowed something from friends or family members

  10. A historical period of time that you are interested in

  11. A party you attended before

  12. A time when you changed your plan/ mind


  1. A kind of food that people eat during a special event(1月新题)

  2. A book you want to write (1月新题 改编题 待进一步确认)

  3. Something you bought but rarely use now (1月新题旧题改编)

  4. An ideal house (1月新题 回库题)

  5. A gift to someone that you made by yourself

  6. A public facility that was newly built

  7. A book you recently read

  8. A toy you had in your childhood


  1. A piece of good news you heard recently (on the internet)(1月新题回库题)

  2. A healthy lifestyle (1月新题 旧题回库 待进一步确认)

  3. A subject which you disliked before but now you think it is important (1月新题)

  4. A second foreign language you would like to learn

  5. A good law in your country

  6. A (good) decision someone made

  7. An important decision you made with the help of others

  8. A successful family business you know

  9. A skill that took you a long time to learn

  10. A film or TV program that makes you laugh



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