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  Who do you prefer chatting with (or, having a conversation with), your parents or your friends?

  Do most people have just a small number of friends, or many friends?

  How do most people make new friends in your country?

  Do you think people's abilities or intelligence is a factor when people become friends?

  What qualities do you think a good friend should have (or, has)?

  Do you think it's possible to determine how sincere a person is the first time you meet them?


  When I was still at school, we had the most talkative headmaster anyone can imagine. He could talk the hind legs off a donkey. He loved to ramble on when we had our school gatherings and his speeches would sometimes drag on for an hour or more. It was painful a times to sit and listen to him rant and rave.

  I had a few brief encounters with this person over my years in high school. When I was sent to his office he made me feel uncomfortable and bored because he never stopped whining and moaning about life. He was a miserable old goat. I clearly remember his poker face and his stiff, unfriendly demeanor. He was kind of a salty, crusty educator who had been in schools too long.

  The school head liked to waffle on, talk about the future goals and aspirations of students. His intentions were rock solid as he had the students' best interests as his main motivation. We knew that he was trying to look out for us, but when you are a teenager you think all old people are dumb, so no one took him seriously.

  Although I found most of the headmaster's speeches annoying and repetitive, I know that he was speaking from the heart. Years later I have discovered that his warnings were accurate and real. Life isn't a bed of roses and sometimes the old timers know best.



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