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作者:-- 来源:网络 点击量: 分享


  What ways can people get information these days?

  What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?

  What are some of the advantages of internet?


  The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Young generation now spends most of its time on the internet. Like others, I also use the internet for various purposes. Most of the time I see what my friends and family have posted on Whatsapp or Facebook.

  Here, I would like to talk about a time when I searched for information about how to repair the computer. During the final year of my graduation, it was a Sunday evening and the next morning I had to submit a project in my college. The project was an application/ software which could be used for conducting online exams of students. I had already made that software so on that evening when I started my PC to check whether my software is working fine, the computer showed a blank screen. I restarted my computer many times but it was still showing a blank screen. I went to all local computer repair shops but because of Sunday, they all were close. So finally I thought of repairing it myself.

  YouTube is the second largest search engine for all types of creative projects and solution for your problems. So I searched on YouTube "reasons of blank screen on the computer". There were many people who were giving different reasons of why one can have a blank screen on the computer. Most of them suggested that before doing any major change in your computer hardware, first take the RAM out of your computer, clean it with a soft cloth or a rubber and then reinstall it. There are likely chances that your computer screen will start working. I did the same thing; I took the RAM out, cleaned it and then reinstalled it. After installing the RAM, I switched on my computer and everything started functioning normally the screen was on. It was a great relief for me because now I could check whether my online exam software was working as it should be.

  I check it and it was working fine. On the next day, I went to the college and demonstrated my project to the teachers. So the internet gave me the solution to my problem and I was really happy on that day.



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