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  Is there any difference between the traditional and modern education systems?

  What are the pros and cons of the current educational system in your country?

  Do you think it is necessary to give comment or criticism to teachers?

  How can a teacher make learning more interesting?


  One of the scientific subjects that I learned in high school is physics. It is the natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. It is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, whose main goal is to understand how the universe behaves.

  Of course, what I have learned was not that challenging. It was more about introduction to and simple application of these basic physical concepts, which were mainly confined in classical physics, such as three laws of thermodynamics, Newton's laws of motion, optics and electromagnetics. But we also touch the area of quantum mechanics.

  My physics teacher was a middle-aged man who was medium-sized and a little bald. Instead of directly telling us the knowledge and answers, he preferred eliciting us. First, he would let us do a few experiments and carefully observe their phenomena. Then he would ask questions like what they had in common or what the difference was, trying to make us think for ourselves and understand what the course would be about. In this way, we had a better understanding of the knowledge.

  I love physics. In fact, it was my best subject back in high school. I feel I have a better understanding of how the world works through it.



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