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  Do people in your country like to grow plants at home?

  Do old people grow plants?

  How do schools teach students to grow plants?

  What is the main plant in your country?


  The important plant I am going to tell you is bamboo. It is an evergreen perennial flowering plant and has many sub-species. In the south, it can grow to more than 10 meters and as thick as a small tree. In the north, it is often very slim and its height rarely exceeds three meters.

  My grandma used to plant some bamboos in her garden and that is where I first saw them. They had played an important part in my childhood. I cut off their stems to make bows and arrows, imagining I was an archer shooting enemies in the battleground. I also took off some branches and pretended that I was a swordsman.

  As I grow up, I gradually realize its importance in China, which does not come from its rarity, but from what it symbolizes in Chinese culture. It is regarded as a behavior model of the gentleman. As bamboo has features such as uprightness, tenacity, and hollow heart, people endow bamboo with integrity, elegance, and plainness, though it is not physically strong. Countless poems praising bamboo written by ancient Chinese poets are actually metaphorically about people who exhibited these characteristics.



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