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  How do Chinese people spend their holidays?

  Do Chinese people prefer to spend holidays in or outside of China?

  Do people like expensive trips or economical trips?

  What kind of vocation do people in your country like to have?

  What preparations do you often make before going on a vocation?


  In my leisure time, I always have a fantasy about a perfect holiday I will have in the future. My perfect holiday doesn't mean that it will be extravagant or intricate. The simple and relaxing travel is the style I want to have for my holiday.

  In my perfect holiday, the destination of this travel is somewhere near the sea but not the famous scenic spots. The famous scenic spots are always full of visitors, noisy and annoying. I want to go to some places quiet and peaceful, which allows me to admire the miracle of the nature. I don't have a boyfriend yet, but I would like to come to this place with my lover in the next five or ten years. I think traveling with the one I love will add some unexpected fun to the holiday. The hotel I'm going to stay in must face the ocean, with the view of whole sea through the window.

  The plan of this travel is also simple. In the morning, we will stay in bed, seeing the sun rise from the sea level. Then we are going to get out for some fresh air, lying on the beach or swimming in the sea at will. When the sunset comes, walking along the sea is a pretty good choice, where we can talk to each other about the hope of our future. At night, we might drink a little wine in the hotel, watching some soap operas or finishing some work, cozy and pleased.

  Maybe this kind of vacation is not appealing in some people's eyes, but this calmness and peace is the most important thing for me in the vacation. In my view, the purpose of vacation is to help you get out of the busy ordinary life. The places shat I mentioned above can help me refresh myself and forget the pressure and business temporary. I look forward to this vacation in the future.



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